Where can I find more information on …?

For more in-depth information on affairs, you will want to purchase my e-books on the topic. My other books on affairs include:

The book, “How Can I Trust You Again?” deals with the issue of trust, including what it is and how to re-establish trust in your marriage. It takes you step by step through the process of rebuilding trust.

In “Why wasn’t I enough and other questions about affairs” the most frequently asked questions about affairs are addressed, including spying, telling the difference between lying and denial, telling the difference between sexual addiction and affairs, and ways to slow down the obsessive thinking associated with affairs.

“Picking up the Pieces” address the areas needing attention between the time you find out about the affair and when you eventually decide what you are going to do about it. You will face many decisions, and you will want to be prepared for them. It also includes sections on step by step ways to improve communication, including ways of confronting the cheater. This volume also addresses what you need to talk about in improving your marriage along with and how to improve intimacy after the affair.

The book, “Why he cheats” deals with the thinking of cheaters, including the role of fantasy, how the lover keeps the cheater hooked, and goes more in depth on explaining the affair fog’ and the role of fantasies in affairs, including the fantasies of the cheater and the spurned spouse.

“After the Affair: Is There Any Hope?” deals with those situations where you feel like you have done everything to win your spouse back after pushing them away and wonder what else you can do. The book covers ways to go about returning to the basics of a healthy marriage and a healthy attitude. The book also includes a chapter on the unique situation of cheating in the military.

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