“Why the excitement with Infidelity?”


As you know, there’s many reasons behind why cheaters seek infidelity. One of these reasons is for the excitement or thrill.

These cheaters experience a rush at doing something that they’re not supposed to do. In the same manner that the Bible talks about how “Stolen waters are sweet” and the joy of eating stolen bread, these cheaters enjoy the thrill associated with doing something considered ‘forbidden’.

The sensation that comes with forbidden acts, like infidelity releases adrenalin and other brain chemicals. The release of these chemicals are intended as the body alerting  them that what they’re doing is wrong and that they need to run away. Instead of running away , they stay knee-deep in the forbidden act.

They re-interpret their bodily reaction to the release of those chemicals as a ‘thrill’. These chemicals stimulate the circulatory system and areas of the brain.

Rather than realizing that their release was more of the body sending a warning shot, they instead interpret it as a sign of enjoyment.

If they viewed the chemical release as a ‘warning’ then they wouldn’t be enjoying what they were doing. If this sounds like they are playing ‘head games’, you are correct. They are deceiving their own bodies and minds.

When the body is stimulated, they begin looking for some explanation of what’s happening inside of them. Rather than recognizing it for the warning that it is, they instead twist and pervert the sensations into something totally different.

Besides twisting the meaning, the stimulation of the chemicals ‘turns on’ or activates many parts of the brain. Since the brain likes the stimulation of being ‘turned on’, if wants MORE. In its effort to get MORE, it excuses, makes plausible and seeks out more opportunities to obtain MORE.

This means that although you view the enemy as being the other woman or man, your biggest opposition is actually closer than you think. It is in the mind of the cheater. Their brain, with its constantly want of MORE stimulation is working against what you are trying to protect.

If you want greater detail on the mental workings in cheater’s minds, you’ll want a copy of e-book, “Why He Cheats” In it, you’ll discover more about the role of fantasy along with an in-depth explanation of what’s going on in their mind.

Best Regards,


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