The Loser’s Challenge Affair

There are many types of cheaters and lovers, many of which have been addressed here. One type of predatory lover that you may have dealt with the “Loser’s Challenge“.

This is the predator who views sleeping with your wife or husband as a challenge they need to attempt. For them it’s not about revenge or payback.  When payback or revenge is the motivation, it falls into the ‘revenge affair’ category.

The “Loser’s Challenge” predator (yes, I use the term predator intentionally. There’s no mistake about what they are doing. It’s intentional, planned and purpose driven). This predator views having an affair with your wife or husband more like a personal dare.

In some cases there may be a bet or a dare behind the affair. The payoff for them is sleeping with your spouse. For some reason, they believe it makes them more of a man or woman if they can lure your spouse to stray.

In most cases, they’re not interested in them to marry them, or blackmail you or have children with them, they just want to see if ‘they can do it’. The whole drive to see if they can do it, is why I call it the Loser’s Challenge.

It amounts to a real-life game of truth or dare with your marriage at stake. It’s a game for them, but real-life for you.

The predator is already a loser and wants to make you and your wife or husband losers as well. If they succeed in breaking up your marriage, it  adds motivation to them.

Somehow they’ve twisted their ‘drive’ or love of power into a sexualized one. By gaining sexual power over others, they feel more empowered themselves.

This is not a healthy form of empowerment. Even though it is unhealthy, it doesn’t deter them. Power is often used a cheap substitute or antidote for their emotional emptiness.

This type of predator presents some unique challenges, in that they do not have to be provoked. Some affairs happen because of being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

This type of predator is not about making bad choices on your part and in some cases your spouse’s part. They look for opportunities of infiltrating your marriage and seducing your spouse.

They enjoy the challenge presented by the seduction. It makes them feel alive and emotionally charged. Unlike the ‘poacher type’ or predatory lover, this one is not out to replace you.

Once they achieve their goal, they move on. Like the buffalo hunters of the 19th century, they seek out prey, inflict their damage, then move on to their next target, leaving you, your marriage and wife or husband broken and bleeding.

Be aware of this type of predator and the meanness they are driven by.

If you have been a victim of one of these predator’s, there’s hope. The downloadable “Affair Recovery Workshop” guides you in rebuilding your life and marriage. When you have the assembly instructions, rebuilding your marriage is not an impossible task.

Just click the link, fill out the form, and start turning your marriage around today.

Best Regards,


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