“It happened so suddenly!”

It happened so suddenly. I learned about the affair and things fell apart, slowly at first and then suddenly it everything just fell apart” she said in a trembling voice.

There was zero warning. He came home late and then came over to me with a strange look on his face. I asked him what the matter was, but he just stared at me without saying anything,” she continued. “I knew that something was up straight away.”

Amber continued with how things spun out of control faster than she ever thought possible. Amber never imagined things could happen so quickly and spin out of control so badly.

Then, out of nowhere he just started getting really angry and shouting at me. It was the first time I’d seen him like that before, so I started to panic. That’s when he grabbed my arm and dragged me into the bedroom.”

“I don’t think anything can prepare you for how fast things can happen”. She said with a shocked look on her face. “It just devastated me. I never thought it would happen to me.”

Affairs, like many sudden tragedies catch you off guard. You’re left reeling as your world is torn apart and everything seems to be falling apart around you.

“I just don’t understand how things could change so quickly,” Amber said.

The surprise adds to the tragedy of things. The suddenness takes your breath away. You assume that you will have time to handle things. But when they come, they come suddenly and without warning.

Tragedies like affairs destroy us in one moment. Unfortunately, our lives are laid bare before us at that moment.  The full weight of what has happened comes rushing down upon you and it’s as though the world comes crashing in on you.

But, the constant change and uncertainty leaves you always knowing that nothing is certain.

“I never imagined things would happen so suddenly,” Amber said as her eyes welled up with tears. “It’s left me feeling terrified.”

After a short pause Amber tried to hold back the tears and started talking again.

In Amber’s case, her husband moved quickly. The affair spun out of control quickly . It went from the shock of the affair to something else.

Now the shock of the affair had layer after layer of problems on top of each other. Shock plus legal problems, plus threats, plus the alcohol and drugs. Each of them were a big enough problem by themselves, but together were overwhelming.

Amber felt like she was unable to catch her breath before the next thing hit. She was still wrapping her head around the affair. What followed afterwards was like the rest of the cars of the roller coaster coming toward her.

The health problems, the inability to sleep, the obsessions, the out of control drinking, the wild sexual flings and the fragmenting of her family were not what she expected. Before she could catch her breath, another one hit, then another one, then another.

Her life spun out of control. This was not like in the movies. “I never expected this. I don’t think anything could have prepared me for what happened”.

It took self control holding back what I wanted to say. Part of me wanted to say “The Getting You Past the Affair Crisis webinar would have prepared you”. I knew that she would not be able to hear that in the state she was in.

After the affair, your mind is not able to hear many things. Denial is strong like that. It could block out the noise of a semi driving down the side street next to your home. Amber was still experiencing shock with what she had gone through.

It you are looking for something that explains what is happening to you and want to know what to do next, then the webinar is for you.

Best Regards,



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