Entrepreneurs & Affairs

You’ve probably not considered the connection between entrepreneurs and affairs. You’ve also not likely considered that entrepreneurs and their marriages are at high risk for affairs.

The entrepreneur often devotes endless hours to their business venture. In spending all those hours eating and sleeping business, they do not realize that their own marriages are put at risk. The hours you spend on the business have to be taken from somewhere.

If your an entrepreneur you have likely spent those long hours investing in your business, not to mention the time thinking and planning. Your heart is with the business. Your spouse knows that. You may love them, yet how you spend your time shows your true priorities.

Those long hours put you in a position where you are lonely and tired. Those are both high risk statuses when it comes to affairs. (I discuss this in greater depth in the webinar on Affair Relapse).

As an entrepreneur, you are often driven by passion and adrenaline.  Passion gives you the drive you need, yet also makes you vulnerable to affairs. Giving into your passions can turn into a way of life and easily trip you into an affair.

You may have even made promises about how when “things happen”, you’ll make it up to them. That excuse may balance your emotional books, but it never replaces the time that was lost. Promises about what you are going to do and how you are going to spend time doesn’t replace time that has been lost.

There is also a danger in the sudden surges in money. When money comes in, life speeds up as well. The fast action, fast money life increases the risk of infidelity as well.

As an entrepreneur, you may even made it to the “A” list. Although that puts you at the head of the pack, consider how many relationships and times have been sacrificed to be there. Staying on the “A” list often means hours in the pub and schmoozing to keep your position.

As a leader in your field, you have the praise of peers often in exchange of time that was meant for your spouse. Your spouse needs your time and attention more than your peers do.

The triad of long hours, displaced attention and fast money put your marriage in the danger zone for affairs. You’re not alone. There are other professions that share high risks as well. Golfers, car salesmen, especially used car sales, military and law enforcement all share high risks for affairs as well.

This means you need a special marriage relationship. The strains of what you are doing takes a huge toll on marriages. You’ll need special care for what you do and the lifestyle surrounding it.

The question asked thousands of years ago still begs for an answer. “For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?” Consider what it profits you if you gain a huge market share or make the ‘A’ list and loose your own marriage.

If you find your marriage at risk, consider the 30-Days to a Better Marriage. It will put back into your relationship the attention and time that entrepreneur living takes out.  Entrepreneurs and affairs go hand in hand. The risk is there, which you need to recognize and deal with before you do irreparable damage.

Best Regards,




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