Why your marriage is threatened

Your marriage is threatened. Whether or not you see the threats or feel like you’re being targeted you are. The more traditional your nuclear family is, the more you are being targeted.

You may wonder “Why?

First, there are some groups and people that view traditional marriage as oppressive. Just the existence of your marriage bothers them.

They consider your marriage ‘heteronormative’ and oppose it anytime and in any way they can. There are active efforts in school curriculums focused on disrupting heteronormative marriages like yours.

The view a one man-one woman marriage as an oppressive arrangement. The historic figure, Susan B. Anthony viewed marriage as oppressive as slavery. Her writing often made connections between marriage and slavery.

There are other reasons your marriage is threatened as well. Since marriage is exclusive between one man and one woman, they view it as oppressive. They believe that the boundaries should be fluid rather than exclusionary.

Those viewing the exclusiveness of marriage as a problem wish that each spouse have freedoms to be with whoever they wish.

Another problem voiced about ‘exclusivity’ is that some groups view your exclusiveness as a form seeing your relationship as ‘better’ than other types of relationships or the kind they have. When relationships, like a marriage are exclusive, it’s natural preferring your spouse above all others. This is part of the marriage vows. This preference is seen by outsiders as considering your relationship as better than theirs.

There are  some people holding atheistic views which question whether the institution of marriage was condoned by God. Although the Genesis account makes the origin and condoning of marriage clear, Atheists have problems with this. Their questioning of God, includes the questioning of God-condoned institutions. They often question any form of authority, whether God-condoned or man-condoned.

Your marriage reminds them that institutions exists contrary to their world view and values. You may not be attacking or threatening them, yet the mere existence of the institution of marriage poses a threat to their world view and values. Some groups consider those holding any form of traditional values or promoting them as being ‘hateful’.

There are also those resenting the self-discipline required by marriage. They hate rules so much, that just seeing you or your spouse exercising self-control bothers them.

With all these groups ‘hating’ your marriage relationship, it behooves you to strengthen yours. An affair is another form of attack on your marriage. Since the impact of affairs fragments relationships, it’s often used in attacking marriages.

Part of affair recovery requires strengthening the marriage you do have. If yours has been weakened by an affair, whether emotional or physical you’ll want to consider the 30-day program we offer to improve communication as a way of bolstering your marriage.

The threats to your marriage are real and are bigger than the affair itself. Your marriage is threatened, yet it can be improved, strengthened and made more secure.

Best Regards,


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3 Responses

  1. Acts 17:26 And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation;

    1 Sam 15:23 For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. Because thou hast rejected the word of the LORD, he hath also rejected thee from being king.

    All rebellion and promises of freedom resulting from chaos are lies and lead to enslavement

    The rights for example to assemble peaceable to protest or give weight and attention to issues is ours so far in the U.S.
    And regarded as enaliable ….to live free according to conscience in individual jurisdictions

    Governments where Gods word is regarded as the foundation for right living and justice has its jurisdiction to keep order but not to over step the jurisdiction of individuals as provided by God and any godly constitution

    When assemblies are orderly and informed they prove to be effective somewhat to bring attention to an issue

    Some see advantage in provoking emotions based upon hearsay and rumor and determine to foment anger and outrage amon those willing to act upon emtion

    The provocateurs are most often unseen or strike and cause some upheaval and then swiftly hide while those they have provoked to riot take the brunt of the damage or act and end up punished

    The actions of law upon the disorderly and rebellious when swift defers the ultimate aim which is to shut down all basic freedoms by bringing about the necessity or what is perceived to be all our anarchy to require sterner measures of Martial law

    Thus citizen just rights are cut off along with the behaviors of the lawless which may lead to further control which seems to be the true aim way beyond whatever issue was used to gather a mass willing to act under mob rule

    All iniquity aka lawless actions arise from sinful flesh unleashed and unbound until there tyrants take hold of those seeking freedom by unlawful means are this used and taken captive themselves

    The architects of domination are thus successful as they urge actions among those who are unaware of the just bait being only a promise which man apart from God cannot and will not provide but only use for his own benefit

    Tyrants and Satan are Partner’s in such destruction of Gods order and boundaries

    Without boundaries set up by God we would not have skin to keep our blood and organs protected!

    Those who hate boundaries are without understanding and are soon consumed

  2. Pro 29:16 When the wicked are multiplied, transgression increaseth: but the righteous shall see their fall.

    Pro 29:27 An unjust man is an abomination to the just: and he that is upright in the way is abomination to the wicked.

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