“Is Infidelity intrinsically bad?”

Let me ask you, “Do you think infidelity is intrinsically bad?” I know what my opinions on the matter are, but there are some experts who think otherwise.

I was astounded at one psychiatrist who stated in his column, “Whether or not infidelity is intrinsically bad is becoming a moot question.” In other words, he views the question of whether or not infidelity is bad as ‘not a concern’.

The astounding part is that his comment came after elaborating on the research indicating the likelihood of children being unfaithful if their parents had an affair. He worded his statements carefully so as not to offend or take moral stands.

What makes matters worse is that he holds a prominent position where he trains many other counselors in dealing with affairs and their traumatic effects.

After his tap dancing around the issue, he crab walks on the definition of infidelity and whether or not it’s bad.

I can tell you right now,  affairs are immoral and have many negative long term effects. Affairs leave scars on future generations.

Affairs shape how your children deal with relationships and feel about themselves. The affairs casts a shadow that cuts across the generations.

Affairs threaten your physical and emotional being. The traumatizing effects of affairs changes your life.

Not only is your life changed, so is your health. Those changes are long lasting.

When your blood pressure sky rockets, your heart rate changes and your ability to fight off infections is compromised, it’s not a ‘moot point’.

I don’t consider the question about affairs a ‘moot point’. The evidence contradicts his statement.

When your counselor considers the morality of affair a ‘moot point’, I can guarantee you that they are not going to take dealing with the affair seriously if you go to them for counseling during affair recovery.

If you are looking for affair help from someone who sees affairs as no big deal, you need to look elsewhere. If you are looking for affair help from someone who considers affairs immoral and a bad choice that can be recovered from, you’re in the right place.

You can bounce back from bad choices. Relationships can be repaired most of the time.

The challenge is whether or not you and your spouse are willing to do the repair work and whether your repair work is done right.

In the “Affair Recovery Workshop” I’ll show you what to do along with the healing sequence. Repairing things in the right order makes a difference when it comes to relationships.

Affairs are not a moot point. You can recover from them with good help.

Keeping It Real,



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