Astronauts, Playboys, Affairs and their legacies

With the change in years, I find myself fascinated by the recap of the legacies left behind by those who died in the previous year. Tabloids, news sites and magazines present what they see as the significant legacies by those who left us.

In reviewing 2017, I considered some of the legacies. One was Eugene Cernan, who was the last man that walked on the moon. He also authored a book, functioned as a spokesman for returning to the Moon and was the first astronaut interred in the Texas State Cemetery.

With the achievements and accomplishments he reached, Gene left a mark on science, history and society.  He also left his mark on his family. His wife, Barbara Cernan Butler said, “If you think going to the moon is hard, try staying at home.”

Contrast Cernan’s legacy with that of someone like Hugh Hefner. Hugh is credited with many social changes along with damaging many marriages and lives along the way.

Which of the two elevated civilization and society better?

Which left behind a legacy that their grandchildren can be proud of?

Consider also the legacy left behind by a cheating spouse. When they don’t value marriage and family as shown by their actions, what kind of legacy will they leave?

When a cheater doesn’t value the basic building blocks of their own family, what will they leave behind of value? When family and marriage aren’t valued or held up as significant, there is little of lasting value they can pass on.

The reality is that you can only pass on lasting values if you have them. What the cheater studies and values is part of their legacy.

What they held in high esteem will be studied and considered by future generations. The cheater will be known by what they showed by how they lived.

If they only studied sports, fashion, drinking or pornography, what they pass on will have limited lasting value. If on the other hand, they invested in family relationships and their marriage, the shadow they cast on the future will be a positive one.

These are times when good role models are needed. Spouses who honor each other and value family pass on a lasting legacy. You also give them something to strive for and learn from.

For this reason, if there’s been an affair, now is a great time for working through it. Rather than letting the affair define your life and legacy, consider one where your marriage triumphed over the affair.

One way to start turning around your legacy is with the “Affair Recovery Workshop“. You can learn ways of strengthening your marriage and repairing the foundation of your relationships.

You want your achievements and legacy amounting to more than having a good time and leaving some notable posts on social media sites.

Best Regards,



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3 Responses

  1. Abosolutely!

    Check this article out regarding faithfulness found on

    Americans love to measure success. In American churches and ministries success is often measured by the number of people.

    Biblically, the better metric of success is faithfulness.

    Faithfulness to the Lord (1 Tim 1:12).
    Faithfulness to the doctrine (Titus 1:9; 2 Tim 3:14).
    Faithfulness to the mysteries of God (1 Cor 4:1-2).
    Faithfulness to continue doing it(Col 4:17; Phil 1:5).

    When you look at the small size of your Bible study or church, ask if you are being faithful. If you are, prove it by continuing.

    More work is done through a faithful minority than a fickle majority.

    Jesus ministered with a minority in Israel. He was alone on the cross. Paul had only Luke with him at the end of his ministry.

    I remember multiple meetings of a young Grace Ambassadors Bible Fellowship when it was only me and one other person. We continue to meet today with more people, because we did not stop doing the work when there were less people.

    Treat one person like a hundred, and a hundred like one.

    Seeing growth is exciting, but it will not happen all the time. Measure success by faithfulness. Faithfulness is tested over time, not by the number of people.

    For His glory,

    Justin “still going, and going, and going” Johnson

  2. Faithfulness and focus upon the one you marry has a way of bringing about trust, security and a lifelong learning about the multifaceted person you marry

    Learning to play an instrument works the same way….focus , faithful practice over time and learning more aspects of the instrument or piece of music yields more depth of appreciation

    The culture that fosters spreading time , attention and resources over many where focus and faithfulness is important also causes many to lose the ability to value depth and value of what God has created for our best life and eternal life with Jesus Christ through knowledge of His Word by right division ….good stuff 😍

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