Dealing with a single affair is tough. Even years later, the emotional scars can still hurt. But when you’re facing a series of affairs, the challenges multiply. The pain isn’t cumulative — it’s compounded. Each affair leaves its own distinct wound. Trying to compare them or lump them together doesn’t help, because the emotional impact of each affair is different.

I recently read about a woman who wrote to an advice columnist after discovering her husband had fathered children through multiple affairs. Her question was simple but heartbreaking: “Is he using me?” She signed the letter ‘lost and confused’.

The columnist, rather than answering her directly, suggested therapy. But to me, the answer is glaringly obvious: Yes, he’s using you!

The real question isn’t whether he’s using you. It’s why are you allowing yourself to be used? It’s one thing to be manipulated, but when it keeps happening, you become a willing participant in your own suffering. And that’s the harsh reality of being caught in the web of serial affairs — everyone involved is being used in some way or another.

What Are You Going to Do About It?

The deeper question for anyone in this situation is: What are you going to do about it?

That’s where things get real. Seeking advice from a columnist or therapist can help you get started, but the change doesn’t happen until you take action. It’s not enough to identify the problem — you have to confront it head-on. And confronting serial affairs means breaking the patterns that allowed them to continue.

Breaking the Cycle of Serial Affairs

When you’re dealing with repeated betrayal, the emotional turmoil can feel overwhelming. But the truth is, there’s a reason this keeps happening. Whether it’s a pattern in the relationship or a deeper family dynamic, the affair is following a predictable cycle.

Here’s the hard truth: Affairs follow patterns. And unless you interrupt those patterns, they will keep repeating.

Sometimes, these patterns go back generations. A serial cheater may come from a long line of cheaters, where sexual addictions and betrayal run in the family. Breaking these patterns can feel like trying to stop a freight train — but it’s not impossible. The key is to recognize the pattern and interrupt it.

Start the Process of Change

If you’re stuck in the aftermath of repeated affairs, you don’t have to face it alone. Whether it’s through therapy, support groups, or talking to someone who truly understands what you’re going through, seeking help is critical.

Patterns can be powerful, but they’re not unbreakable. In the downloadable Affair Recovery Workshop,” you’ll learn how to identify the patterns of infidelity and how to break them — both in your relationship and within your family.

Change is possible. The way things have been doesn’t have to be the way they continue. You can take control and stop the cycle of emotional pain and betrayal.

You could be staring at the patterns of serial affairs every day and not even realize it. But once you recognize them, you have the power to stop them. That’s the first step toward reclaiming your life.

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