During a low point in his life, Texas Tejano singer Freddy Fender took his song “Lonely Days and Lonely Nights” and rewrote it. At that time, he was separated from his wife, unable to pay rent, and feeling helpless about his situation in South Texas. His marriage was in trouble, he was in a bad place, and he didn’t know what to do next.

When your marriage is in trouble, it forces you to re-evaluate yourself, your actions, and the relationship itself. Freddy began taking a new look at what was going on in his life.

The separation made him take a hard look at many things, including his song. His rewrite of the song changed the title to “Wasted Days and Wasted Nights.

That song went on to become a country music classic. Freddy managed to capture the struggle many people go through. The song has enjoyed extended life with other performers recording cover versions of it.

Freddy Fender’s experience is a testament to the power of music as a source of catharsis and expression during difficult times. Many artists have used their struggles as inspiration for their music, creating powerful and relatable works that resonate with audiences.

Songs about struggle and suffering have a longevity that outlasts many other types of songs. They offer hope to the listener that things will eventually get better. They are songs of survival, of overcoming against all odds.

This is what makes “Wasted Days and Wasted Nights” such a memorable song, even though it was written during one of the lowest points in Freddy Fender’s life.

I was reminded of Freddy Fender’s story when a reader wrote to me, looking for answers concerning her struggle with the idea of “wasting many years married after learning of her husband’s long-term affair.”

Long-term affairs are a sign that your marriage is in trouble. Viewing those years and experiences as ‘wasted’ amounts to throwing out the baby with the bathwater.

When you write them off as wasted, it starts the process of giving up on your marriage. People don’t just wake up one morning and decide to divorce. They begin giving up on things long before that moment. This is where songs like “Wasted Days and Wasted Nights” can remind you not to give up and to keep fighting for what you believe in and love.

It’s important to remember that struggles and hardships are a natural part of life, especially in relationships. But it’s how we handle these struggles that ultimately define us. Taking inspiration from others who have gone through similar experiences can provide the strength and determination needed to overcome any obstacle.

So, even if your struggles may seem insurmountable, know there is always hope and the possibility for growth and healing. Considering the time and emotion you invested as wasted sells both your spouse and yourself short. They may have lived a double life, but that doesn’t mean they wasted time with you.

Naturally, you re-evaluate your marriage, what it means to you, and what you want to do when you are hit with an affair crisis.

While in that crisis mode, everything is ‘up in the air.’ You wonder what you can and can’t believe and who you can and can’t trust. It’s a chaotic time.

This is why I put together the video “Getting Past the Affair Crisis.” I want to help you and others like you who are in the middle of an affair crisis. You don’t have to stay there or end up making poor choices just because you’re in crisis mode.

Click and download the video today. It will guide you through those challenging days when you’re not sure you want to get out of bed and help you know where to start in getting your life back.

When you are facing a marital crisis, it is important to remember that you are not alone. Many people have gone through similar situations and come out the other side. Freddy Fender’s story is a reminder of this.

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