One of the key topics I discuss when helping couples prevent Affair Relapse is recognizing the early warning signs. The uncomfortable reality is that once someone has had an affair, the risk of it happening again is higher. This doesn’t mean they’re destined to cheat again, but it does mean the risk is increased.

There’s a popular saying, “Once a cheater, always a cheater,” and while I understand why people say this, holding on to that mindset after an affair can actually make things worse. It creates a sense of helplessness and might even contribute to setting the stage for another affair. If you expect them to cheat again, it can create an atmosphere that greases the rails for a relapse.

But you don’t have to stay stuck in that mindset. You can be proactive and recognize the warning signs that signal the need for action before things spiral.

Recognizing Risk Factors and Warning Signs

One early warning sign you might not expect is binging. If your spouse has a history of binging — whether it’s overeating, drinking, or even overindulging in other areas — they could be at higher risk of losing control when it comes to relationships as well. Lack of self-control in one area often leads to a loss of control in other areas.

Let me be clear: Not all binge eaters or drinkers cheat. But if your spouse has cheated before and exhibits binging behaviors, the risk of relapse is higher. Being aware of these patterns can help you better understand their potential triggers.

One issue many couples face is that they’ve become so accustomed to each other that they stop noticing the small things — like changes in eating or drinking habits. If you haven’t paid attention to this before, now is the time to start. These little details can reveal far more than you might assume.

As you and your spouse work through affair recovery, you’ll be influencing each other in ways you may not even realize. What does this mean? It means that improving self-control — rather than indulging impulses — is crucial for reducing the risk of relapse. And the more you know about each other’s triggers and warning signs, the better equipped you’ll be to prevent it.

Strengthening Your Relationship Through Awareness

This isn’t about placing all the responsibility on you — but being aware of the signs can make a positive difference in your relationship. In addition to self-control, there are other key areas you need to focus on to prevent affair relapse, including:

  • Effective Communication: Open and honest communication allows both partners to express their feelings, needs, and concerns. This prevents misunderstandings and ensures that both of you are on the same page.
  • Setting Boundaries: Clear boundaries set expectations for behavior and define the consequences of crossing those boundaries. This adds an extra layer of protection for your relationship.

Preventing affair relapse requires effort from both partners. It’s a continuous process of self-reflection, communication, and awareness. By being proactive and addressing the warning signs, you can strengthen your relationship and rebuild trust.

The Importance of Early Warning Signs

Instead of avoiding these discussions or getting caught up in distractions, it’s important to talk openly with your spouse about potential triggers and warning signs. Ignoring these signs can lead to further problems down the road. Affair recovery is a journey, and both partners must be committed to making it work.

In my video Overcoming Affair Relapse,” I go into detail about the early warning signs you need to look for to help protect your relationship. When you’re aware of the dangers, you can avoid falling into the traps that could lead to relapse.

If you’re ready to take the next step in safeguarding your relationship, click and download your copy today.

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