After addressing the topic of “When is a husband being a bastard to his wife?” I felt it was necessary to also address “When is a wife being a bitch to her husband?” Each gender has names they use during intense fighting, expressing deep anger and frustration. These names signal that someone is being blocked, hurt, or is intensely angry.

The point at which you use these terms varies with personal application, and the tone of voice used is an important part of the message.

The Six Signs She's Being Hurtful

Here are the Six Signs She’s Being Hurtful List. While they overlap some with the previous list about husbands, this will give you some general items to look for.

  1. She’s sleeping with someone else. The more people or frequency this happens, the more animal-like her behavior, the bigger the hurt she causes.
  2. She does something sneaky or underhanded that hurts her husband in a major way. These actions show a disregard for trust and respect.
  3. She betrays the trust you placed in her with a disregard of your feelings or wishes. It’s as if she wants to hurt you with her actions.
  4. She intentionally damages something important to you or keeps you from it. This is a direct attack on your emotional well-being.
  5. She reveals secrets that you trusted her to keep. This betrayal can be deeply painful and damaging.
  6. She exploits your vulnerabilities for selfish reasons. Taking advantage of your weaknesses shows a lack of compassion and respect.

Acknowledging the Hurt

Although you may not want to admit it, when one or more of these things happen, it leaves you hurting. It’s a major blow to you. That major hurt impacts you whether you admit to it or not. Not admitting that you’re hurting won’t lessen the pain or make it go away.

Understanding the Pain

One hard truth is that when she hurts you using the methods above, she’s likely hurting as well. These behaviors are alerting you to her pain. Recognizing this can be a step towards addressing the underlying issues in your relationship.

Taking Action

I encourage you to consider downloading my video on “Overcoming Affair Trauma.” It provides essential knowledge about trauma and offers instructions on ways to deal with it. Trauma is a very real concern that wounds you and your marriage. Rather than allowing the hurt associated with those wounds to damage your marriage, you can do something that improves things.

This video guides you in making it through those wounds and scars, helping you rebuild trust and understanding in your relationship.

Keeping it real,


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