The other week, a reader reached out with a concern that many people can relate to: “How do I deal with an unloving partner?” It’s a tough question, and I want to share my response with you because I know many others face similar situations.

First, let me start by saying that questions like this are never easy to answer. Without knowing the full backstory, the words used to express the problem become one of the few clues I have to understand what’s really going on. But even without all the details, there are a few key areas that might help unlock the mystery of an unloving partner.

What Does “Unloving” Really Mean?

The word “unloving” can mean different things depending on the situation. Maybe it’s a lack of affection, a disconnect, or emotional coldness. But there could also be underlying factors contributing to this. For instance:

  • Health issues: There could be medical conditions or hormone imbalances at play, making it hard for your partner to engage emotionally.
  • Addictions: Whether it’s substance abuse or other dependencies, these can erode the emotional foundation of a relationship.
  • Emotional barriers: Sometimes, past traumas or personal issues create emotional distance, and it’s not always easy to see those walls.

Without fully understanding what’s contributing to the “unloving” behavior, it’s tough to know how to fix it. That’s why it’s essential to start with some clarity.

How Committed Is Your Partner?

When navigating these kinds of issues, the first thing I would recommend is to gauge your partner’s commitment to the relationship. Are they in this for the long haul, or are they just going through the motions? If they’re not willing to work on things, it’s difficult to find a solution. But if there’s a shared desire to improve, you have a foundation to build on.

It’s also worth asking yourself: Are both of you getting enough quality time together? Marriage experts suggest spending at least 20 hours a week with your partner. If you’re not spending time together — or if that time lacks quality — it becomes harder to maintain a loving connection.

Think about it: When we love someone, we naturally want to spend time with them. If that time isn’t happening, it’s no wonder the relationship starts to feel disconnected or “unloving.”

Priorities and Misalignment

Another factor that could be creating the sense of an unloving partner is a misalignment of priorities. Couples don’t always share the same values, and this can lead to tension or emotional distance. But here’s the tricky part: many couples never sit down to identify and discuss their priorities.

What’s important to you might not be on your partner’s radar. Unspoken differences in priorities can breed resentment and disconnect, making it seem like your partner doesn’t care.

If you feel like you’re living with an unloving partner, this is an area worth exploring. Take the time to have open, honest conversations about what matters most to each of you. It might just reveal what’s been missing.

Why Change Often Starts with You

Now, you might be thinking, “Why should I be the one to change when they’re the one acting unloving?” And you’re not wrong — ideally, both partners would work together to heal the relationship.

But here’s the reality: Change usually starts with the one who wants it the most. If you’re the one feeling the pain of the disconnect, you’re likely the one more motivated to take the first step.

While it would be great if your partner was eager to make changes, the truth is, they often aren’t. They may not even realize the extent of the problem, especially if they’re preoccupied with other things, like an affair or their own struggles.

That’s why it’s so important for the person who’s hurting to take action. This doesn’t mean you have to do it all alone, but it does mean being proactive in starting the healing process.

Communication Is Key

One of the most powerful tools you have in dealing with an unloving partner is communication. It sounds simple, but communicating about difficult topics — like feeling unloved — is one of the hardest things to do. Yet it’s essential for moving forward.

In my video Let’s Talk! Hurting People, Healing Questions,” I walk you through the steps of improving communication with your partner, especially around those sensitive issues that are hard to bring up. Clear communication can help remove the guesswork and make problem-solving easier.

You don’t have to stay stuck in the cycle of feeling unloved or unheard. There are ways to address the issue head-on, starting with open, honest dialogue.

Click and download your copy today and take the first step toward improving your relationship.

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