Happy Valentine’s Day!

It is my hope that you have an enjoyable Valentine’s Day. The day serves as a reminder of how important love is. We all need love, and when it is not there, it hurts. When it is stolen from you, it hurts. Love can give you strength, and the betrayal of that love cuts you to the bone. I was reminded of the importance of love in watching a segment on my local news about how February 13th is also known as ‘Mistress Day’, since many cheaters spend that day with their lovers. It is also a day that many cheaters are caught. With the importance of love, it is tragic when you are cheated of what rightfully belongs to you.

It is not by coincidence that the image of cupid with an arrow that goes through the heart is associated with Valentine’s Day. With how love goes to the heart, it is a fitting image. I suspect that the ancients attributed what we know as ‘attachment’ to the magic of Cupid. When we commit to our spouse, there are attachments and bonding. Any weakening of that bonding through affairs and other attachments, weakens the glue that holds the two of you together. Much like even the strongest tape or adhesive weakens with repeated use, the joining and tearing apart of your spouse with you and others weakens the bonds of your marriage. The bonding may still be there, yet needs strengthening. This is a good day to strengthen those bonds and put forth another effort to show love to your spouse.

Best Regards,

Jeff Murrah

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One Response

  1. This is interesting since I was recently studying on the GODLY ORDER of things. When order that GOD has set up for all things is twisted or changed ….it causes confusion and chaos…

    When we see the FIRST COMMANDMENT …it is FIRST and it is IMPORTANT because to do otherwise is IDOLATRY

    SOOOOOOOOO The idea that “MISTRESS DAY ” is celebrated the DAY BEFORE the day that one is supposed to celebrate what is SUPPOSED to be THE LOVE of one’s life …the SPOUSE is indeed a double assault on the heart.

    Never mind some people’s objection to Valentine’s Day being ‘pagan’ or ‘commercial’ we all enjoy the celebration of love and hopefully with one that we have been led to believe and trust most of all!

    Thank you for the post …I hope you enjoy a wonderful night loving your wife who has every right to your loyalty and affection …especially tonight!

    Congratulations Jeff and wife~!!

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