A Fundamental Lesson in dealing with Affairs from a Classic Movie

One of my favorite movies is ‘Casablanca’. The acting and story line intrigues me. It conveys how easy it can be to fall into an affair. There is also the sense of things spinning out of control in ways never imagined along with some fascinating characters.

Another part of the film is the song, “As Time Goes By”. It contains a real nugget of wisdom with the line reminding listeners that ‘the fundamental things apply as time goes by’.  Anytime I hear the song, it reminds me that when things spin out of control, it’s important remembering the ‘basics’ or fundamentals.

In my own life, I find the basic things like taking a walk and remembering to breathe are critical when things are spinning out of control. They become more important when things get increasingly crazy.

Remembering the fundamentals gives your mind a chance to reboot. I know when walking the dogs, there is a sense of grounding that comes with taking them out for some fresh air. Taking a few breaths and forcing myself to slow down the pace, helps my mind re-orient.

When your life gets crazy, remember the importance of the ‘fundamentals’. The advice of ‘As Time Goes By’ remains a timeless nugget of wisdom. There are reasons for the film ‘Casablanca’ being considered a ‘classic’. When a film resonates on basic truths, it adds to being considered a classic.

At the “Restored Lifestyle” support community, we cover the fundamentals in recovering from an affair. Walking and remembering to breathe are part of the fundamentals.

You need the fundamentals rather than getting caught up in the latest wildfires triggers by emails and tweets. Social media will eat up your time and get you distracted from what you need to focus on.

Best Regards,



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