Cheryl: A gold diggers story

Have you ever faced the challenge of an unwanted walking nightmare from your past? These unwanted walking nightmares are those people who show up with outrageous affair claims that disrupt your life.

They literally are a ‘nightmare waiting to happen. Even when their claims are totally false, they are so emotionally charged and outrageous, it disrupts your marriage.  Recall that in modern society, what’s important is what people find believable rather than the truth.

Mike and Nancy are happily married. They’ve been together for four years. One day, an old girlfriend named Cheryl shows up in town. She begins contacting Mike via email and on social media. At first, her antics were just a bother. Over time, Cheryl’s contacts turned into demands and threats.

Cheryl claims that Mike is the father of her five-year-old child. Along with that claim are demands for child support. Since child support is a hot topic in many States, such a claim strikes fear in the hearts of many men, including Mike. All her demands include hidden threats that she will ‘go to the authorities about the matter.

Cheryl’s claims were quite a shock to Nancy. She didn’t think Mike would cheat on her. The claims left her feeling unsettled. her mind began thinking through a lot of ‘what ifs’. Rather than immediately accusing Mike, she instead sat down with him. They talked about what was going on and what could be done.

On thinking through Cheryl’s claim, it occurs to him, that he had a vasectomy 6 years ago. That was before he slept with Cheryl one night when he was drunk. Cheryl was married at the time, but it didn’t stop her. A cheater determined to cheat lets nothing stand in their way.

Mike kept thinking about what happened. He and Nancy talked about it. The math just didn’t add up for those claims. Not only did the math not add up, when Mike and Nancy requested a paternity test, Cheryl refused. So not only did the math not line up, Cheryl made any confirmation of paternity off-limits.

In a previous encounter, she claimed that Mike had given her herpes. He had himself tested and it wasn’t him. If Cheryl had herpes, it was not from Mike. Even then, Cheryl was using guilt and demands for money to get Mike to pay for her ‘treatments’.  She was good at playing the victim. Her claim also put blame on Mike as a ‘predator’ rather than on her for sleeping around.

Cheryl knew how two play the victim role to its fullest.

All it takes is one Cheryl to enter your life with wild claims to create chaos.

Had Mike and Nancy not been on good terms, the wild claims would have ruined their marriage. Although you may not want to think about gold diggers like Cheryl, they’re out there. Many times all they need is a halfway believable story to pressure you or your spouse into paying them money.

Even when it goes to ‘the authorities’, their story is persuasive enough to convince others into believing it. At times, such stories have you doubting your spouse and yourself. You wonder if there are some truths to what they are spreading.

All it takes is a few rumors to destroy a reputation. Even when the evidence is on your side, if the gold digger’s story is convincing enough, the affair is a ‘done deal’. When their stories have you doubting, it will leave others doubting as well.

If your marriage is struggling with being on good terms, you will want to consider the latest video, “How To Rekindle Closeness And Bring Back Intimacy In Your Marriage.” One gold digger like Cheryl can do irreparable harm to your marriage if the two of you don’t have the intimacy you need.

Many marriages have been ruined by gold diggers like Cheryl. Your marriage doesn’t have to be one of them. This is why taking simple precautions like getting tested, doing the math and listening to your spouse can save you some major heartaches.

Keeping It Real,



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