Polygraphs and Affairs

Now that the world has been dealing with the COVID-19 virus and the associated Lockdown for a couple of years, data is coming out on how people are dealing with it. The virus brought changes on a worldwide scale, some good and some bad. With the World Health Organizatiaon wanting masks again along with warnings of another pandemic, it looks like there will be more lockdowns in the future.

One of the changes now being reported in the UK is a dramatic uptick in spouses wanting polygraphs of their partners. One of the topics they want to be addressed is the question of infidelity.

The virus and the lockdown have put a lot of stress on relationships. People are spending more time at home with their partners, which can lead to increased tension. In addition, many people have lost their jobs or have been working from home, which can also lead to financial stress.

Spouses are wanting clear answers about whether or not their spouse is cheating on them. They don’t care about the need to release tension or stress. For them, it’s about fidelity.

It remains to be seen whether there have been actual increases or if its only an increase in the accusations of infidelity. On reading the article, I considered what this trend means.

First, it tells me that there are many spouses who trust polygraphs rather than what their spouse’s tell them. Their faith lies more in the readings of scientific instruments than in their spouse.

The polygraph instruments provide a pacifier for the accuser and a cover for the cheater.

It also tells me that many spouses are desperate in their search for answers and help. They want hard signs or “scientific proof” alerting them to whether or not someone has cheated.

Instead of looking for the hard signs, they should look for the soft signs and take action. Consider whether your spouse is distancing themselves from you either physically or emotionally.

Consider whether or not they continue making eye contact with you. Has their way of touching you changed?

Do they look at others rather than you when you’re out in public? Do you feel like your connection with each other isn’t what it used to be?

These are soft signs that your marriage has changed. When you see those signs, it’s alerting you that action is needed, whether or not you have ‘polygraph evidence’ of an affair.

When you experience those symptoms, take action by downloading the Affair Recovery Workshop. The material presented will help the two of you and your marriage.

Your spouse may be struggling with an old half-dealt with affair, or be straying in their mind. These can create distance between the two of you even though they aren’t sleeping with anyone else at the moment.

Rather than looking for a polygraph or some other sign, the signs alerting you that your marriage needs help are right there in front of you. Why look for other signs when you already know help is needed now.

Keeping It Real,



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