When a reader shared his concern about his wife going off with another man at a swingers’ party, I experienced mixed emotions. I felt sadness not only for the wife stepping out with someone else but also for the husband who took his wife to such a party in the first place.

Part of me couldn’t help but wonder, “What did you expect?” After all, this is the kind of thing that can happen at swingers’ parties. He seemed surprised when the inevitable occurred.

This is one of the inherent dangers of swinging. Each person you or your spouse engages with has the potential to weaken the bond you share. At that moment, it’s no longer just fun and games. When you step through the door into the swinger lifestyle, you lose control over the outcome. This is one of the risks that come with ‘the lifestyle.’

Swinging changes your marriage, your relationship, and even you. It introduces changes you never anticipated. Your spouse may end up enjoying their time with others more than they do with you. Despite all the rules you put in place about kissing or seeking permission, you’re still dealing with relationships and feelings — things that can’t be fully controlled.

One of the unexpected changes that often occur is the development of feelings you never planned on. A common issue I hear about is spouses sneaking around behind their partners’ backs to cultivate unapproved relationships.

Relationships don’t stay neatly contained in boxes. They evolve and grow, even in swinger scenarios. These connections can become more intimate than you intended, and the bond that forms may be something you can’t control or predict.

The vulnerability and emotions involved in swinging can also lead to jealousy and insecurities within the relationship. Successfully navigating these challenges requires a strong foundation of trust, communication, and clear boundaries.

Beyond the emotional and relational risks, there are also physical risks associated with swinging.

When things spiral out of control and become unmanageable, it’s time to rethink your choices. In the video “Overcoming Relationship Trauma for Swingers,” I discuss strategies for reducing and escaping the messes that swinging can bring into your life.

Exiting this lifestyle is often much harder than entering it. The path to recovery begins when you start focusing on restoring health to your marriage.

Click and download your copy of the video today. Your marriage and your well-being depend on it.

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