Surviving Slander

You are well aware that affairs and lies often go together. Another unwelcome associate of affairs is slander. Whether or not an actual affair occurred, the specter of slander still does it damage. When an affair has happened, slander and its ugly cousin, gossip often makes the situation worse than it was. There are times that those doing the slandering may think that they are ‘just telling the truth’ and ‘just being honest’. Since there are so many secrets, the potential for slander is great. The more the secrets, the more the slander. When some people do not have the facts, they make them up. All they need it the report of an affair, and they will manufacture all the supporting details. They have their own way of connecting the dots of affairs. When others connect the dots, an affair will always be uglier than the cheater sees it.

So what does this mean in terms of surviving slander?

1. Realize that slander will happen. Do not be surprised when it does happen.
2. Try to limit your talk to dealing directly with those involved or those who are part of the solution. If the person you are talking to is not part of the problem or the solution, there is a risk of gossip and slander.
3. Realize that slander can happen from the cheater, the lover, the betrayed spouse, family members or those who enjoy the excitement of an affair.
4. Do not confuse facts with feelings (or perceptions and facts).

Best Regards,

Jeff Murrah

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