Understanding your reactions to the Affair: Anguish

Many of you run from the symptoms you experience or mask them through medications. When you run from the symptoms and their discomfort, you may be missing out on some important insights.

Your symptoms provide clues about what’s happening to you and inside you. On a recent study of “Anguish”, I made a discovery that surprised me.

The term ‘anguish’ refers to a tightening in either your throat or lungs. This tightening shares the same root word for the experience of competing with another person for someone’s attention, such as your spouse.

“Anxiety, panic attack or anguish?”

In modern society, you have many activities and medications with which to block out these sensations. If you go to the doctor, they may refer to it as ‘anxiety’ or even a panic attack.

That panic attack or anxiety may not be due to be anxious or fearful at all. If your spouse is having an affair, it may be ‘anguish’, plain and simple.

If it’s anguish, it’s part of a natural reaction to an unnatural situation. Your body will often experience reactions when things are not as they should be.

Listening to your body and what it is telling you about what surrounds you may provide you with more truth than pulp magazines and “man/woman hating websites”.

So the next time your body is trying to tell you something, try listening to it rather than ‘shutting it up’.`

When your reactions last for months at a time, they’re telling you that something else is going on. Your body could be experiencing “Affair Trauma’. In such a state the symptoms have settled in.

In the video, “Overcoming Affair Trauma“, you’ll be guided in finding ways past the trauma. You don’t have to stay stuck in trauma mode.


Best Regards,


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