Does one dump lead to another?

When your spouse dumps you, there are many hurts along with many

questions. One of those questions is “What do you do with their stuff?

When they flat out dump you, with no hope of reconciliation, communication or pacification, you may have to follow their lead and take their stuff to the dump. If you can’t bring yourself to take it to the dump, then dump it at the goodwill or some place that can benefit from their selfishness.

You may find yourself delaying the inevitable dump. It is natural to delay what must be done.

The longer their stuff is around, the longer you’re reminded of them, what they did and how they left you. Keeping their stuff is not an insurance policy that will bring them back.

Those things are not a magnet that when given enough of your emotions will bring them back to you. That kind of thinking where you can enchant them or put spells on them through their stuff and your emotions amounts to voodoo and witchcraft.

It may give you the illusion of control, but it brings its own kind of karma with it.

Think of their stuff as a source of negative energy. Knowing that you have a pile of negative energy around you all the time, how do you think it impacts you.

Will it increase your energy or steal even more hope, goodness, and energy from you? It’ll likely be a drain on you.

When you no longer love them or their stuff, when it no longer has good memories, you need to ‘dump’ it from your life.

Much like a storm tossed ship at sea jettisons jetsam, in order to make it through the storm, you need to dump their stuff in order to make it through your storm. If you need a friend to do it for you, then do it.

They’ve already shown you the depth of their loyalty to you. They’ve already shown you how much faith you can put in their promises to you.

Isn’t it about time to clean out their stuff, both physically and emotionally?

If you can’t bring yourself to dump things, you could be caught up in Affair Trauma. If that’s the case, the video “Overcoming Affair Trauma” will help you handle it.

Those things you’re holding onto may be reflecting your holding onto emotional issues as well. Moving past the affair trauma will free you from that baggage.

Best Regards,


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