Being Trapped by the Affair

Although I generally enjoy flying, there are times when I couldn’t get off the plane fast enough. During those times, I feel trapped and with confined.

Once the trapped sensation arrives, it’s difficult thinking beyond getting off the plane. When its humid and hot, the situation is even worse. At those moments, the air feels stale. The heat and smell of others starts irritating me as well.

My senses become hypersensitive to things I don’t like. While reacting to things my breathing becomes more of a struggle. At those moments, my mind focuses itself on when the flight gets over and I can get off the plane.

I mention the trapped sensations since some of you feel trapped by the affair situation you’re in. Whether or not you wanted it or started it, you now have to deal with it.

With a plane you call it claustrophobia, perhaps there’s a phenomena known as emotional claustrophobia when it comes to affairs.

It seems that you are surrounded by walls and blind alleys. Your world shrinks and takes the breathable air with it. That panicky feeling of being trapped is often at the back of your mind.

You find yourself living in a world defined by others. At that moment, you can count what you can control on one hand, and it isn’t much. You’re out of control.

When you are caught up in an affair relationship, it’s not as much fun as you thought it would be. These are the times that you want out, and all you think about is finding ways out. You may even be entertaining extreme options that you’d have never considered in the past.

The good news is that there are ways out. In the video “Help for the Cheater: Starting the Road to Recovery” , you’ll find ways of starting your extraction from the affair mess you are now caught up in.

Keeping It Real,



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