Sabotage by family members

The story behind the word sabotage is fascinating. One version is that disgruntled workers threw their wooden shoes into textile machines in order not to be replaced.

Those wooden shoes were known as ‘sabots’. So when the machine was damaged by the shoes, it was called sabotage.

These days, my concern is not with textile machines. My concern is with marriages, and more specifically, your marriage.

Threats to your marriage come from many places. One of the most twisted threats to my marriage came from within the family.

It was twisted in that a family member used any opportunity she had for splitting up Peggy and me. No lie was too big or any interaction with a member of the opposite sex beyond the possibility of exploiting.

The family member manufactured rumors and scenarios like they were an assembly line. She used her influence in trying to wear down my wife.

My wife was so strong and resilient that she never gave in to any of these attempts at sabotage.

It’s a good thing because I would have been devastated if anything had happened between us.

I’m sure there are many other stories out there like mine, and it’s important for couples to be aware of the possibility of sabotage from family members.

Fortunately, the threat was handled. Even though handled, she still managed to generate unnecessary stress and distrust.

Some families intentionally attempt to sabotage your marriage. Instead of throwing wooden shoes into the machinery, they instead throw rumors and lies around. They plant seeds of doubt about either you or your spouse.

Since you are hard-wired to trust family members, it makes you vulnerable to their lies and deception. Family members can do more damage than outsiders.

The reason they do more damage is related to the power of influence they have. Being family members, they know ways of triggering memories, guilt and doubt with what they say.  When family is involved, you don’t even have to be guilty of having an affair. They can just plant seeds of doubt about a potential affair.

When they have a long history of manipulation, they may not even have to use words. A simple look is all it takes in triggering reactions.

When family members threaten your marriage, your options are limited. They know your options are limited and exploit your vulnerabilities, like when the two of you hit a rough spot.

One of the things you can do when faced with such threats when your marriage is stressed is to strengthen your marriage. One of the best ways I know of strengthening your marriage is improving your marital communication.

In my program series, ‘30 Days to a Better Marriage’, I share daily instructions with you for strengthening your marriage. By strengthening it in some way each day, you end up with a much stronger marriage.

When family members know your marriage is strong, they know that their sabotage moves no longer work.

Order your copy of the series today and keep unwanted threats to your marriage from taking advantage of circumstances.

Keeping It Real,



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