The dance of staggered disclosure

Years ago, my wife and I embarked on a salsa dancing journey. Every week, we eagerly traveled to the other side of Austin for our lessons, growing more skilled and confident with each class. Our teacher even gifted us a practice CD, filled with vibrant salsa tunes.


But one week, disaster struck. I twisted my ankle and dancing became agony. What was once a joyful workout turned into a subtle form of torture. The dance class no longer brought me joy; instead, it caused me pain.


In my quest for understanding, I stumbled upon the concept of the “toxic dance of staggered disclosure” while reading about the pain of dancing. This idea perfectly captures the detrimental effects of gradually revealing the truth, especially in the context of affairs.


Can you imagine the impact of learning the truth in small, painful doses? It poisons trust, leaving you uncertain if your spouse is being honest. You’re constantly unsure if there are more secrets waiting to be exposed. You are never settled. There is a constant anxiety of waiting for more bad news.


But there’s another consequence: the erosion of your own intuition. The mixed messages from staggered disclosure put you in a difficult position, torn between what your gut tells you and what your spouse claims. It’s an agonizing predicament, without any easy answers.


Perhaps the person who initiates staggered disclosure believes they are doing you a favor, but in reality, they are reopening wounds instead of allowing them to heal. Each new revelation tears away at any progress, leaving behind permanent scars.


After enduring the pain of staggered disclosure, trust in your relationship is damaged, if not completely destroyed. Rebuilding from the ground up is necessary. That’s where the video “How Can I Trust You Again?” comes in – it provides practical strategies to reconstruct trust in your marriage. You no longer have to rely on blind trust; you can build a solid foundation that you can count on.


Your marriage deserves a new foundation after the old one crumbled. Understanding what to build that foundation on can make all the difference in the world.


Keeping it real,



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