A reader posed the question, “How long does the affair fog last?” (For those of you who are unfamiliar with the ‘Affair Fog,’ I cover it in detail in ‘Why He Cheats’).

I wish I could give you a definitive answer to this question. The reason an ending time is not possible is due to the nature of the ‘Affair Fog.’ Each time the cheater activates it, the countdown clock starts over.

The Cycle of the Affair Fog

The cheater doesn’t have to make contact with the lover. Just fantasizing about the affair can trigger it again and set off the timer. This constant resetting can lead to feelings of total detachment from life, sometimes resulting in substance abuse, suicidal thoughts, or affair relapse if not checked by professional help.

The countdown clock starts over each time an activation happens because this kind of betrayal is different than any other. Once activated, there’s no turning back until it finally blows up into serious problems that are often overlooked due to their hidden nature. Being “spaced out” or far away for long periods while performing mundane tasks, such as cooking dinner, are telltale signs.

The Cheater’s Escape Mechanism

The altered state of mind that they are in can be switched on as often as the cheater wishes. If the cheater wants to avoid pain and responsibility or is just bored, they start fantasizing, and voila! They start up the affair fog again.

This escape mechanism can be incredibly addictive. The fantasy world allows the cheater to avoid confronting the realities and responsibilities of their actions. It provides temporary relief from guilt, shame, and the stress of their everyday lives, creating a dangerous cycle of dependence on these fantasies.

Once there, they may be in the state for anywhere from a few hours to a few days or weeks until the affair fog is turned on again. This cyclical pattern can be incredibly damaging to their mental health and relationships.

The Brain Chemical Component

There is also a brain chemical component with the affair fog. The cheater experiences extreme changes in their thinking and perception. These brain chemicals can alter them for a long time; the length of recovery depends on which chemical is reactivated or activated again.

The brain releases dopamine and other neurotransmitters during these fantasies, creating feelings of pleasure and reward. This chemical rush reinforces the behavior, making it harder to break free from the cycle. The cheater becomes addicted not just to the affair but to the feelings and excitement associated with it.

At a minimum, six weeks after an affair occurs, someone might start to feel more clear-headed. However, it takes at least six months before any significant improvement becomes noticeable, provided the person doesn’t keep having affairs. The brain needs time to readjust and return to a baseline state, free from the constant highs and lows induced by the affair fog.

The Gradual Recovery

The recovery is gradual, much like a literal fog lifting. There will be improved clarity in a few areas, which spreads when the cheater stays away from the affair. Consistent effort and avoiding triggers are crucial for the cheater to move past the affair fog.

During this recovery period, it’s essential for the cheater to engage in healthy behaviors and practices. This includes open communication with their partner, seeking therapy, and finding new, constructive ways to cope with stress and boredom. Building a support network of friends and family can also provide the necessary encouragement and accountability.

Professional Help and Recovery

If you or someone you know is struggling with the affair fog, seeking professional help is essential. Therapists can provide strategies and support to help the cheater break free from the cycle and start the healing process. Understanding the root causes of the affair and addressing them can lead to lasting change and recovery.

Counseling can help uncover underlying issues such as low self-esteem, unresolved trauma, or unmet emotional needs that contributed to the affair. Addressing these root causes can prevent future relapses and promote a healthier, more stable mindset.

Reflection Questions

  1. How does the cycle of the affair fog affect the cheater’s mental health and relationships?
  2. What are some strategies to avoid activating the affair fog?
  3. How can professional counseling assist in breaking free from the affair fog?
  4. What role does self-awareness play in recognizing and addressing the affair fog?
  5. How can the cheater’s partner support them in their recovery process?

By reflecting on these questions, you can gain deeper insights into the dynamics of your relationships and take proactive steps towards healing and recovery.

The affair fog is a complex and recurring state that can significantly impact a cheater’s life and relationships. Recognizing the signs and understanding the cyclical nature of the affair fog are crucial steps toward recovery. With professional help and consistent effort, it is possible to break free from the affair fog and achieve mental clarity and emotional stability.

For more details on the affair fog and strategies to overcome it, order the book “Healing After Infidelity” today.

Best Regards,


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