I was intrigued by a question that came up on the blog: “Is revealing an affair blackmail?” The term ‘blackmail’ has its origins in Scotland, dating back to when settlers in the borders region often paid a ‘tax’ or ‘mail’ to be left alone. When this tax was considered dubious, it was referred to as blackmail, commonly understood today as extortion, where the tax was extorted via threat or protection from a threat.

With the origin of blackmail established, does revealing an affair fall into that category? If money or threats of harm are involved, it could indeed be considered blackmail. For instance, if you told a cheater that they needed to pay you or you would reveal their affair, it would be blackmail. This brings into focus the legal definition of blackmail: compelling someone to do something against their will or to take their money or property under threat.

In legal terms, blackmail occurs if you use the information to compel the cheater to do certain things they would not normally do or if you leverage the affair to attain money or property. However, if you are simply sharing the information to inform their spouse, it is not blackmail. If you are their spouse and share information about the affair with others due to your spouse being unfaithful without threatening them for money or property, it is not blackmail. You may ruin their reputation, but it is not blackmail.

Cheaters often claim you’re blackmailing them as a ploy to keep their secret. When you are manipulated into keeping the affair secret due to their threats, you become an accomplice. Whether you are called an accomplice or a blackmailer often depends on who is making the accusations.

The bottom line is that there are no winners when you become aware of the affair. You also do not want to accept money, property, or goods either to reveal the secret or to keep the secret. Money plus secrets is never a good combination.

Another critical issue is your attitude in revealing the affair. Are you doing it to bring healing or to bring hurt? The attitude behind revealing the affair often becomes critical in how it is viewed and perceived. When it comes to affair information, “Attitude is Everything.” Revealing an affair with malicious intent can cause more harm and complicate the situation further.

Another tough question is, “Should I reveal the affair?” This question always requires some soul-searching. Would you want to know? Will the information you share bring healing? What is your attitude behind revealing the affair? Once you answer these, it will become clear whether or not you should reveal the affair.

The Emotional Toll

Understanding the emotional toll of revealing an affair is crucial. The act of revelation can lead to significant emotional distress for all parties involved. The person revealing the affair might experience guilt, anxiety, or fear of retaliation. The person being informed about the affair could go through shock, betrayal, and intense emotional pain. These emotional responses need to be carefully considered before deciding to reveal an affair.

The Ethical Considerations

Ethically, the decision to reveal an affair is complex. On one hand, there is a moral obligation to be honest and transparent, especially in relationships built on trust. On the other hand, revealing an affair can cause severe emotional damage. Balancing these ethical considerations requires careful thought and possibly professional guidance.

Legal Implications

While the focus here is not primarily legal, it’s worth noting that the legal implications of revealing an affair can vary depending on the jurisdiction. In some places, revealing an affair could potentially lead to lawsuits for defamation or invasion of privacy, especially if the information is shared publicly or maliciously. Therefore, it is wise to consider the legal context and seek legal advice if necessary.

Seeking Professional Help

Before making a decision, it might be beneficial to seek professional help. Therapists or counselors can provide an objective perspective and help navigate the complex emotions and ethical considerations involved. They can also assist in communicating the information in a way that aims to minimize harm and promote healing.

Reflection Questions

  1. How would you feel if you were in the position of the spouse being cheated on? Would you want to know about the affair?
  2. What are your motivations for revealing the affair? Are you seeking to heal or to hurt?
  3. Have you considered the potential consequences of revealing the affair on all parties involved, including yourself?
  4. Are you prepared for the emotional and possibly legal repercussions of revealing the affair?
  5. Have you sought professional advice to ensure that your decision is well-considered and balanced?


Revealing an affair is a significant decision that should not be taken lightly. It involves complex emotional, ethical, and potentially legal considerations. By carefully reflecting on your motivations and the potential consequences and seeking professional guidance, you can make a more informed decision that aims to bring healing rather than harm.

Best Regards,


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