There are times when you may ask whether or not it’s possible to be manipulated into an affair. The story of Sandy will help you with that question.

When Sandy met Bob, she had no idea that he was married. His personality was captivating. He had a good sense of humor, along with being ruggedly handsome. It’s easy to see how Sandy enjoyed being with Bob.

She enjoyed talking to him. Every time they talked, she felt better. He made her smile and put her at ease. It didn’t take long before she was actually looking forward to spending more time with Bob.

Her friend Rhonda had been encouraging her to go out with Bob. She saw that Sandy enjoyed Bob’s company. To Rhonda, it was simple: she enjoyed his company, and he seemed to enjoy her company.

Talking to Bob was like reading a fascinating book. Each time Sandy was with him, she learned more fascinating things about him. She wanted to know more. With each interaction, she found herself drawn to him.

Sandy often heard about the ‘power of attraction.’ When it came to Bob, she felt the pull of the power of attraction. It was like magnetism. She felt drawn toward him.

When Sandy discovered that Bob was married, she didn’t want to believe it. She was not the kind of girl to share her men with others. She also didn’t ever consider herself a homewrecker. She disapproved of affairs, and now she found herself in the middle of one.

Sandy wasn’t looking for anyone. She was not trying to steal Bob away from anyone; she just found herself in the middle of something bigger than herself. She fell for him, and now she’s torn.

So, was Sandy manipulated into an affair? Although Bob didn’t actually ‘trick’ her, he just left out some very important information. He didn’t let Sandy know that he was married. If he had lied to her, she could understand being manipulated. Had Bob lied, Sandy wouldn’t have felt dirty about their relationship at all.

Did Rhonda manipulate Sandy into the affair? Rhonda wanted her to be happy. She did not have the intention of being a homewrecker either. Sandy wanted someone to blame for the affair, but it was not easy for her. She knew that Bob left out important information, but she also had feelings for him. She could not conceive of Bob as evil.

Even though he came across as more charming than evil, he allowed Sandy to trick herself into thinking he was something other than he was.

The story of Sandy is not as black and white in terms of good guys and bad guys as some other stories. With many affairs, there is a volatile mixture of emotions, intentions, and secrets. There is also a twisted combination of intentional manipulation, trickery, lying, and leaving things out that leads those involved to make bad choices.

Understanding Manipulation

Manipulation is about being talked into or tricked into things. The term manipulation is used when there is a selfish component. When someone misleads with a selfish intention, it is called ‘manipulation.’

There are many ways you can be misled or manipulated. You may have been told a lie, information may have been left out, or there may have been tricky words and situations used. Manipulators use your emotions and intentions against you. Like a form of emotional karate, they use the power of your desires and intentions to get you to do things, including affairs. They use your own strength against you.

Can You Be Manipulated into an Affair?

The answer is …Yes!

If you have been manipulated into an affair, there’s hope. The video, “Help For The Cheater: Starting The Road To Recovery,” gives you the guidance needed to end the affair. You may not have started the affair or intended for there to be an affair. Now you find yourself facing the challenge of ending an affair. The longer you take in ending it, the harder it becomes. Click the link, order the video, and start the road to recovery today.

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