Years ago, when I heard stories of husbands who either forced or manipulated their wives into sleeping with other men, I initially thought such stories were wild fantasies. In my naivety, I couldn't believe such situations could be real.

However, when I finally dealt with such a couple, it was quite a shock. The wife was devastated by what happened, and although the husband bragged about the event, the wife was in shambles. As time went on, I encountered this same story again from other couples, all with the same tragic outcomes.

Manipulation into Swinging and Porn

There were some variations where the husband seduced his wife into swinging or homemade porn, but the emotional destruction that came in the aftermath was the same. The wife feels used up and shamed by what happened. They also felt trapped by the choices their husbands forced on them.

These wives loved their husbands and wanted to please them. Initially, it was about having some fun and trying something new. They do not realize that when other parties enter the marriage, it becomes an affair, no matter how it is packaged.

The Emotional Devastation

In such situations, it’s as if they use the ‘other man’ to bring new life to a deadened part of themselves. The scenario may turn them on, yet in doing so, they have ‘killed off’ their role as husband and your marriage being a special relationship.

I've also encountered cases where the husband allows his wife to sleep with another man as a way of paying off debts. In those cases, she becomes a commodity. He may view it as payment, yet the dynamics it creates amounts to prostitution.

Since it is an affair, it brings the consequences of an affair with it. Cheating always brings consequences into your life, no matter how you dress it up. A pig with lipstick and cologne is still a pig.

An affair encased in jewels and doused in Chanel No. 5 is still an affair. Affairs have a way of tearing your soul into pieces. They shatter your self-image and make you feel dirty in a way that you can never wash away.

Consequences of Forced Affairs

The emotional fallout from such manipulations is profound. The wife, feeling used and shamed, often struggles with self-worth and trust issues. The husband's thrill-seeking behavior overlooks the long-term damage to their marriage. The temporary excitement and novelty do not compensate for the enduring pain and guilt.

The consequences of these actions are severe and long-lasting. Trust, once broken, is difficult to rebuild. The emotional scars left by such betrayals can take years to heal if they ever fully do. The relationship dynamics are forever altered, often leaving the wife feeling objectified and the marriage itself fundamentally damaged.

Refusing to Do What’s Wrong

So, what do you do when your husband wants you to sleep with another man?

In such cases, you have to risk refusing to do what you consider “wrong.” It may be fun for him initially, but he’s only looking at the initial thrill. He’s not considering the consequences that you and he will have to face.

He has not considered how it will end. He is only titillated by the trailer for the coming events rather than how shattered it will leave him and you and the destruction it will bring to your marriage.

You will have to refuse to do what is wrong. Sleeping with another person than your spouse will end up hurting you and your marriage. The guilt will be greater than any thrill you experience. Telling your husband no and refusing to do what is wrong is your best option.

Taking a Stand for Your Marriage

Standing up against such pressures is not easy, but it is necessary for the health of your marriage and your own well-being. Communicate openly with your husband about your feelings and the potential damage his desires could cause. Seek counseling to address the underlying issues in your marriage and work towards rebuilding trust and intimacy in a healthy, consensual manner.

If you find yourself struggling with the emotional turmoil and trauma caused by such manipulations, consider watching the video "Overcoming Affair Trauma." This video provides essential guidance on navigating the aftermath of an affair, helping you heal and rebuild your life and relationship.

Best Regards,


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