Rebuilding Trust starts with a Decision

Trust starts with a decision. It doesn’t occur automatically or by instinct.

Remember the first time you trusted your partner? What did it take?

Probably, your love enabled you to trust your partner.

From that love, you chose to trust your partner.

Trust is a major decision in your life. The choice of trusting them was a major decision.

With this love, you felt like you can achieve anything and you can easily deal with your partner. As you fell deeper in love, you became even more attached and felt a deeper level of trust with each other.

The more experiences the two of you went through, the more the trust grew.

You were shocked on learning about the affair that rocked your marriage. For a time, you couldn’t think clearly and you felt you could no longer trust your spouse.

This put you in a bind. You still love them, yet can’t trust them. That bind leaves you wondering what to do. You feel torn regarding which direction to go in.

Love cannot be easily forgotten.

They hurt you. Yet at the same time you love them. But, how could someone who loves you do this? The questions leave you feeling like you are going to pieces.

If you and your partner choose working it out, the change starts with the decision to trust.

It’s not easy to do that,  but it begins with a decision. With such a decision, you can hold on to your love and your partner can also start earning your trust again.

In the video “How Can I Trust You Again?“, I present the Trust Formula, with each of the ingredients you need for rebuilding trust.

You can know what to do and ways of rebuilding what you lost. You can control the choices you make.

The process has its challenges and takes time, yet, if you decide on trusting again, you can know what to do. Trust doesn’t have to be a magic thing that either happens or doesn’t happen. It follows a pattern and formula that you can put to work for your marriage.

Best Regards,



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