Understanding Revenge-Part IV

What is the trigger for the revenge? Once you have identified the trigger, take a closer look at it. There is one type of revenge that occurs when you are reacting to an attack. In such situations, a person feels threatened from an actual attack.  There has been an actual attack that you are responding to. This is one type of trigger. A second type of trigger is when you take offense to something people say to you. In this type of situation, the person reads into statements various additional material. In these trigger situations, the threat is more one of perception. Here you intensify the threat level.

In dealing with such triggers for revenge, it is important to separate out the difference between what actually occurred versus what you imagined. The degree of differences between the two is the degree of distortion. Many times people live in fear of threats based on their perceptions rather than the actual threats. The threat in such cases in more in the perception than in an external source. It becomes important to consider “What has actually happened?” “What was actually said?”.

Best Regards,

Jeff Murrah

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