Canadians and Infidelity

In working with infidelity and relationship issues one factor that I have come across is the differences in opinions that vary from nation to nation. Although some nations approve of infidelity, most do not. In the latest poll from Canada by the Angus Reid Global Monitor, a majority of Canadians expressed moral disapproval of infidelity. The Canadians numbers show that over 80% disapprove of infidelity. The numbers shrink even further when the issue of polygamy is brought up. The interesting item is that the number of people disapproving of infidelity has grown since the last survey undertaken in 2007. The 2% increase in disapproval of infidelity shows a slight change. Although some statistics being touted suggest that the number of people engaging in infidelity is rising, that does not mean that people are becoming more approving of the behavior (Note: Although sites like reports high numbers, they do not tell you how many people were questioned. If I asked such questions in the the seedy part of a major metropolitan area, I could arrive at large numbers approving of infidelity or engaging in infidelity as well). When single people are engaging in sexual relations, Canadians expressed acceptance of the behavior by over 80%. Combined together, it shows that they are accepting of sexual behavior, yet they respect the institution of marriage enough to express disapproval of infidelity in large numbers.

Bottom line is that infidelity is still frowned upon, even in Canada.

Best Regards,

Jeffrey Murrah

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