She stole my man!

Although the exclamation “She stole my man!” sounds extreme,  it happens. When it does happen, it hurts. Like getting hit on your head with a gong, there is a sudden realization and waking up to what is going on “She stole him!”  When the light goes on with that discovery, every weird little thing that occurred now makes sense. It connects the dots in the puzzle. With the realization that she stole him, there is also the pain of being lied to, the betrayal of being played and the audacity that it would be done to you. It is so hard to believe, you may have to tell yourself several times, “SHE stole my man!”, “She STOLE my man!”, “She stole MY man!”. Each time, more of your brain wakes up from its sleep to a whole new world. She not only stole your man, she stole part of your life, she stole your security, she stole your peace of mind, she stole your assumption that all people are basically good. In stealing your man, you realize that there really is evil in this world.

The evil of cheater in how sneaky they are, the evil of their secrets, the evil of their lies, the evil of their stealing of emotions.

You may also be mad at yourself for being tricked. No one likes being tricked. No one likes being played for a fool. It hurts when you see what was really happening right in front of you. The world you lived in is suddenly gone. Nothing that your trusted before can be trusted again. You begin doubting any kindness, smile or gesture. Before long, you realize that she stole your joy of life as well.

You can choose to punish yourself, or someone else OR you can choose to learn from your heartache. Whatever you choose to do, you will have to tell yourself some simple truths.

Cheaters do not follow the rules. They do not play fair. They do not respect other peoples property or their spouses.

Expecting cheaters to play fair or follow rules is not going to happen. Cheaters like to bend the rules. In their mind, they twist rules, relationships and people to meet their needs. Most do not believe they have done anything wrong. In their minds, they are just smarter, better looking and more clever than others. They believe that only the fools “follow the rules”. So expecting them to follow rules of decency, morals or fair play is not going to happen. They make their own rules.

Best Regards,

Jeffrey Murrah

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