Does the cheater have memory loss after the Affair?

Another year is winding down. Although some of you are closing out the events of 2019, if they included an affair, it’s not so easy putting it behind you.

Putting events behind you involves closure and forgiveness. Even after you practice forgiveness, the whole idea of forgive and forget doesn’t work so well.

You may even wonder how you remember everything about the affair so vividly, yet the cheater doesn’t. You may even wonder if the cheater’s memory has gotten worse after the affair.

They don’t remember much about the details and the events that happened. It’s infuriating when you remember so much and they remember so little.

It’s also unfair how you are tormented by memories and they aren’t.

In some cases, their difficulty with recall is feigned. They don’t stand to benefit being able to recall all the details. They may also refuse discussing anything along those lines.

Before you jump to the conclusion that they’re faking memory loss, the effects of the affair fog are very real and very powerful. If you’re spouse has been caught up in the affair fog, they didn’t input the information in a good way, so when it comes time for recall, that ability is legitimately impaired.

With events as filled with passion as affairs, you’re dealing with a strange blend of factual events and fantasy. Each incident that happened has baggage associated with it in terms of fantasy versus reality.

What they recall as a ‘blissful night’ may have actually been a quickie in a cheap hotel. Fantasies have a way of enhancing and distorting what really happened. They remember only parts of what happened rather than the whole.

I deal with ‘the Affair Fog’ phenomena in the ebook “Why He Cheats“. If you want to know more about it, download your copy today. The mind is a powerful force for good or evil. When it is working overtime with an affair, it enhances many parts of what happened.

When you understand the ‘Affair Fog’ it’ll help you sort out what’s behind the memory loss you are dealing with.

Keeping It Real,



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