Negotiated Infidelity:The Danger of Pop Culture’s Message

Can you trust the people who the main stream media identify as the “Experts” ? The short answer is “NO“. In popular culture there are always gurus who will tell you what you want to hear. The latest is Australian Psychologist Holly Hill. She is about to re-release her book entitled “Sugarbabe” which introduces the term ‘sugarbabe’ and ‘negotiated infidelity’ into the pop culture vocabulary.

My own suspicion is that Holly was hurting and doing what she could to justify her decision to work as an escort after her boyfriend dumped her.Since she had given up her job to get the boyfriend in the first place, she was feeling desperate. Bear in mind that even her pen name, Holly Hill is a pseudonymn. Here is a video of her being interviewed. (Link)

With the book being re-released, it appears that since the book did not have the sales they wanted the first time around, the publisher is doing it again. I mention this to give couples a head’s up in case a cheater shows up, citing this book as their excuse for cheating.  Holly even goes so far as to claim that many counselors are supporting of her ideas. Whatever others may say, I do not support ‘negotiated infidelity’ or condone cheating.

It is no surprise that infidelity is on the rise in Australia, with books like this promoting promiscuity. The source for this information are dating sites which promote promiscuity. The irony is that Australians, as a whole continue to see cheating as a major black mark, if not the worst thing in terms of bad things a person can do.

The wisdom of past ages tells us that cheating brings pain to everyone it touches. I often tell people that cheating brings death, whether it is emotional death, the death of a relationship or physical death. Most crimes of passion have cheating intertwined in their twisted mix. In every age, there have been hedonists who promote cheating, yet their fate and the fates of the families they touched bear the ugly scars of their shameless and selfish gratification.

You have a choice as to whether you want to follow the chic, popular, latest ‘expert’ or the wisdom of past generations. Before you swallow the book by the attractive author, visit the local charity hospital, psychiatric hospital or sleazy bar and see what cheating looks like without its makeup. It is only in those places where you can see the non-photoshopped version of how cheating devastates lives and leaves in its wake communicable diseases, emotional heartache, rejected children, and perversions that it spawns.

Best Regards,

Jeff Murrah

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