Ending it versus unfinished business

One of the ploys used by cheaters to continue the affair is claiming that they have ‘unfinished business’ with their lover. By making excuses that they need to get ‘closure’ they expose themselves to temptations and seduction all over again. The cheater disregarded your feelings before, so why are they concerned about hurting, clearing up, or taking care of some unfinished business now? You need to wake up to the reality that the reason it is “unfinished” –is that they are keeping it going. It is not over, because it has not ended.

No one wants to let go of their lover, including the other woman or man. They will do and say about anything in order to keep the cheater hooked into them. Since cheating is already going on, what is another lie, deception or manipulation? They have no problem with another one added to the mountain that already exists.

When the cheater ends the affair, You and they need to proclaim it is ‘over’-Over- OVER. It must cease to exist. No matter where things were left hanging, its over. The emotional strings must be cut. The contact must end. The access must be closed off. The sooner and more complete the cut off, the better.

Best Regards,

Jeffrey Murrah

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