One size does not fit all

When it comes to finding a way to deal with your cheating spouse, you will quickly learn that one size does not fit all. You will find many suggestions on ways of dealing with your spouse and recommendations. These suggestions and recommendations may have worked for many couples. The dilemma is that when it comes to affairs, each one is different. Each spouse is different, their needs are different and their motivations are different. You can gain some helpful information and insights, but there is no shortcut to knowing your spouse and how to approach them in a way that they understand. You are still going to have to do the individual leg work in addressing the affair with your spouse. The ideas you obtain from others can give you a place to start, but you are still going to have to be the one to address the issues with your spouse. It will have to come from your mouth and be put in your words. Tying to say something verbatim that you encountered in a book will come across like you are a robot. You are not dealing with robots that execute commands. You are dealing with people. Since people are people, each one requires a different approach. Some you may need to yell at, while others need to be talked to gently. Some will just nod their head and smile, but make no changes, while others will react to everything you say.

One size does not fit all, neither does one solution fix every affair situation.

Best Regards,

Jeff Murrah

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