Affairs and Lawsuit Bullies

Wherever you find people that feeling weak and powerless, such as those who have been hurt by an affair, you’ll find those who prey on the weak, preparing to swoop in to take advantage of your situation.

One of those that swoop in are the “Lawsuit Bullies”. These are those spouses who use lawyers and legal moves in bullying others. Make no mistake, they are using force like other bullies.

The main difference is that these bullies wear suits and sport shiny shoes. Instead of black leather jackets or having their gangland colors showing, these bullies use their reputations and legal maneuvers to bully and intimidate others.

They may even use enough force to silence your ability to speak out about what is going on. With a gag order, you may not even be able to talk about what’s happening to you.

Your spouse may not be a lawsuit junkie, who plays victim and files lawsuits for any perceived slight. It could be their friend or a family member who is stirring things up and hiring legal guns to bully you and others.

Beware of any lawsuit junkies since those with a history of filing lawsuits are more likely to be the ones who use lawyers as bullies.

The bullies will talk about protecting rights while finding ways to loot all your assets. They have likely done their homework in finding out about your money and where it is located.

They usually know what you are worth and what they can get out of you BEFORE you even know that you have been hit with a lawsuit. They know affairs mean the potential breakup of a home.

They also know that there’s plenty of money to be made in breaking up homes.

These bullies fight on their own home turf, have their own language and rules of the fight. A common mistake occurs when you think you understand what they are saying since you speak English.

The legal profession has their own definition for words. What you think they mean is often very different than what they mean in a courtroom.

Like all bullies, they create an atmosphere of fear. They know that when they instill fear, it increases their power.

They also know that once they get you in the courtroom, they can have you looking guilty of whatever they say you are guilty of. Since they operate in a world of appearances, they don’t have to prove your did any wrongs. All they have to prove is that ‘it is possible’ that you could be guilty.

The appearance of guilt is enough for them to use the court, judge and jury against you.

These lawsuit bullies are as dangerous as any scary street thug and in many ways more dangerous. The street thug may take all they money you have in your wallet and beat you up.

The legal bullies, steal money from your bank account, future income and even take away your children.

Beware of bullies, who use force and threats to get their way, no matter how they are dressed.

Best Regards,


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