My NOT top 10 list of signs of an Affair

In writing posts about affairs, there are times I considered addressing a top 10 list of the most common signs, which I have mixed feelings about. In my mind you can not quantify or rank order such things. If there is an affair, you want to know.

You do not care if the signs you are seeing rank #3, #5 or even #9. The rankings don’t matter, your concern is the affair and dealing with it.

So here is my NOT top 10 most common signs of affairs.

-Spouse hiding their phone or limiting your access to it.

-Spouse hiding what they are looking at on the computer.

-Spouse keeping their password and access from you.

-Spouse insisting on doing their own laundry after a trip.

-The passenger seat is often reconfigured.

-Many late night meetings or being out of town a lot.

-Frequent erasure of cache on computers or history on smartphone.

-Spouse has phone and credit card bills mailed to a location other than your home.

-Strange hairs, perfumes or colognes on their clothing.

-Spouse insistent on separate bank accounts, then denies you access to viewing activity

-Spouse with a job that requires high compartmentalizing of their life.

-Spouse that has a job where large amounts of cash exchanges hands frequently.

This is not an exhaustive list, yet provides you with a place to start. If you have several of these signs, something is going on. Trust has been damaged if not an out and out affair.

In the event of an affair the download, ‘Affair Recovery Workshop’ Guides you with what you need in order to turn your marriage around. Instead of guessing what to say, how to do things or what needs to be done first, you can know for sure what to do.

Best Regards,



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