“But they seemed so nice!”

You have likely heard the old expression that “The road to hell is paved    with good intentions!”. I find that it’s not only paved with good intentions, it’s crowded with “nice” people.

It’s often those ‘nice’ people who seem so helpful manage  exploiting the weaknesses in your marriage. The mask of being ‘nice’ is  used in disguising who they really are along with their true intentions.

The cheater plays up their niceness as a way of continuing the charade. The cheater knows that if you knew what was actually going on, you’d object. The hiding of true intentions is a game played by the cheater and the ‘nice’ lover.

I’ve encountered several situations where the cheater brings in a ‘nice’ college student, ‘baby sitter’ or person in need. The ‘nice’ demeanor puts you at ease so that you don’t suspect what is actually going on in your own house!

It may even be going on in your bed!

Consider for a moment that if the other man or woman initially showed up in their ‘true colors’. If they showed up as a ‘home wrecker’, you’d immediately see the threat and deal with it.

Instead, they show up as nice people. Whether secretaries, work associates, neighbors, pastors or church ladies, the others in your life seldom reveal the danger they have inside.

In some cases, they  have innocent or good intentions although those are often ploys they use to convince themselves that they never intended to be the home-wrecker they were. They operate under the assumption that if they didn’t intend for things to happen it somehow makes things better.

They look at the affair in terms of their good intentions, while you look at it in terms of the damage that was done. It’s no wonder that you and they don’t see things the same way.

Evil people seldom show the true nature of their evil-ness. A big aspect of being evil is that you don’t appear as what your actually are. What you see is not what you get when it comes to evil persons. They come across as ‘good’ or nice as a way of hiding their evil-ness.

With the holidays approaching, you need vigilance in protecting your marriage. It’s often while you’re distracted that the nice people enter your life that end up wrecking your home.

If those ‘nice’ people end up bringing hell with them into your marriage, there’s hope. The downloadable “Affair Recovery Workshop” gives you what you need in starting recovery and turning your marriage around.

Rather than allowing things to continue deteriorating further, click the link, fill out the form and start turning things around.

Best Regards,


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