Affairs and Your Liver, Part I

One of your organs that only receives attention when there are problems is your liver. When your liver develops problems, this organ you rarely considered now becomes the focus of your attention.

Although you may not have considered the connection between your liver and affairs, ancient cultures did. In the ancient Hebrew culture, the liver was considered the ‘organ of lust’.

There was a reason it was included in the sacrifices made as part of worship.

In Greek medicine, the liver was also seen as the center of lusts. They noted that your liver is particularly vulnerable to negative passions at which times gall and bile are dumped into your body.

If you lived in the days of Socrates, the doctor would see the source of the problem as your liver. In fact the old term for depression, melancholia actually refers to the black bile produced by your liver.

They noted that your passions rose from your liver to your head. Emotions like nervousness, depression, anger and rage were all variations of your liver. The liver was also viewed as the source of headaches and migraines.

Given what you’ve been through with the affair, it’s likely that negative passions have entered your life. You may have even experienced some of the emotions mentioned.

You may have attributed your symptoms and moods to your anger or the rage inside you. It never occurred that those sensations have any connection with your liver.

Even when you don’t express what you’re feeling, the sensations are still there. Your body is still going through chemical reactions tied to your moods and vice versa.

When you are going through things you don’t understand, it helps having a place to go and talk. One place is the support community at Restored Lifestyle. Here, you can discuss what you’re going through along with learning from the experiences of others. You’ll also have access to the videos and material you need for recovery from the affair.

Stay tuned. I’ll talk more about your liver and affairs in an upcoming email.

Best Regards,




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