‘Why should I care about CSM and it’s impact on me?

Having been in the mental health field for several decades, I’ve seen trends come and go. I’ve seen the popularity of disorders rise and fall.

It’s akin to seeing ‘what’s hot’ or in vogue in terms of both disorders and treatment approaches. The trends of anorexia, multiple personality disorders, and attention deficit disorders have risen to public attention and fallen.

One of the ‘trendy’ mental health quirks is that of using acronyms for intimidating labels. Rather than refer to Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, the term PTSD has come into fashion. Rather than using Attention Deficit Disorder, the term ADD is used.

Using the acronyms makes them less bulky to talk about, yet it also makes them seem less scary and less serious. When society uses so many acronyms, they get lost in the many that you’re exposed to. It’s easier referring to PTSD or ADD that to speak their full name.

Today, I was informed of a new acronym for another old behavior. This one concerns affairs and marriage. The new acronym is CSM. This acronym is being used for “Consensual Non-Monogamy” which used to be ‘Open Marriage’.

In giving the behavior an acronym, it creates a false sense of objectivity. You discuss CSM as if it’s no big deal. It sounds better saying my husband’s been doing his CSM rather than saying he’s sleeping around again.

Although modern society has new acronyms for the same old sleeping around behavior, it doesn’t make it more acceptable. New names for old problems doesn’t make them go away.

If anything, it changes how they are talked about. It removes the moral disapproval and sting from behaviors. It also gives the illusion that the behavior is acceptable and fully understood as if it’s a given part of life.

Make no mistake, giving it a shortened version or post-modern name doesn’t lessen its’ impact. Sleeping around still has emotional baggage with it along with the increased risk of exposing you to sexually transmitted diseases, yeasts and biological agents.

This is where the video “Overcoming Affair Trauma” helps. It guides you in moving past the emotional damage from their actions and its’ impact on you. What your spouse does still impacts you.

The diseases they bring home impact you, no matter what kind of consent was given. Consent doesn’t prevent disease or emotional scars.

Keeping It Real,



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