Lessons about marriage from Apollo 11

Today marks the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing. That feat was a significant accomplishment. I remember watching the events on television with great excitement.

There were fears about what might happen when the landing happened and what happens when mankind steps foot on the moon. There were fears about what might go wrong.

Even Neal Armstrong admitted that his brave exterior was hiding his fears and concerns.

Since my father worked at NASA on that project, I have a unique perspective on it.  I experienced the long hours without my father at home as he was working on the mission.

Several of the families in my neighborhood had parents involved, so those families knew what was involved as well. Completing the mission took massive effort.

Completing the mission also required trust. The many engineers, astronauts and programmers had to exercise trust.  Trust was put in the rocket, the calculations concerning the correct orbit, the ability of the rocket to come back on and other items as well.

I knew that if the rocket didn’t follow the correct path, that the mission would fail. A few degrees off and things would go sideways quickly.

Since it was the first time anything like that had ever occurred, no one knew what to expect or what would happen.

When I consider that the astronauts strapped themselves into what amounts to a mobile bomb delivery system putting their trust in it and the engineers on the ground, it astounds me.

Trust is also an essential requirement in making your marriage work. In the daily struggles and hassles, it’s easy losing site of trust and doing the regular maintenance needed in keeping it healthy.

There are times when you can’t be with your spouse and control every aspect of their lives, decision and thinking. During those times, you need trust, and they need trust.

Trust is also one of the components of your marriage damaged by an affair. One affair can totally mess up whatever trust your marriage had.

In recovering from the affair, its essential that you rebuild trust. Although you know that trust is important, do you really know how to rebuild it? Do you know what it takes to trust?

In the video, “How Can I Trust You Again?”, I lay out how to trust again. I give you the ingredients so that you know what specific items are required.

Those men and women involved in the Apollo 11 mission knew the importance of trust in making the mission a success. You can take the necessary steps in making the mission of your marriage a success as well.

Keeping It Real,




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