“Am I crazy or not?”

In the early days of coming to grips with the hard reality that your spouse had an affair, there are times you question your own sanity. You begin asking  yourself “Am I crazy or not?” when you encounter odd things.

Those odd things include unusual emails, out of the ordinary gifts, strange behavior and things that just don’t make rational sense. Initially you use your mind to deal with it.

When things don’t make sense or can’t be explained, you start wondering if you’re crazy. At that moment you’re caught in a bind between emotions telling you one thing and the facts as you know them telling you something else.

Let me start by pointing out that when affairs are involved, actions are no longer being driven by rational thought. When affairs happen, emotions and passions start driving decisions.

The cheater and lover aren’t thinking rationally or logically. The means appeals to reason won’t get you anywhere.

Emotions and passions don’t operate according to rational rules. If the cheater and their lover were being rational, the affair wouldn’t have happened in the first place.

When emotions and passions are in charge, the main thing they want is gratification. They also want that gratification as soon as possible and want more the next time.

In terms of consequences for the decisions, those are ignored or pushed aside. Like an addiction, the more the cheater gives into the passions and emotions, the less rational they are.

When the emotions are driving them, they’re not fully in control of their faculties. They made poor choices and now their choices are taking over.

That also means that at those times, you are dealing with a crisis fueled by passion and emotion. On first encountering that crisis, things won’t make sense. That’s because they aren’t rational.

You may be the only rational person in the whole mess. You’re not imagining that.

At those times, you need serious emotional grounding. You need help in making sense out of things.

This is where my video on “Getting Past the Affair Crisis” comes in. It guides you through those initial days where you question your own sanity. At those times, you stretch yourself trying to make sense of a situation that’s not rational.

A rational mind trying to make sense of an irrational situation will get stressed out. At those times, you need resilience and the ability to bounce back. The video guides you in bouncing back from those moments where you question yourself.

Click and download your copy today. Now is the time to start getting yourself back together rather than falling to pieces.

Keeping It Real,


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