Squandering time, money and trust

Within the past few weeks, a couple of dear people from my teen and early adult years passed away. Their passing reminded me how precious life is.

The passing of Gary Sahmel and Susan Appleby also had me questioning how often I have squandered time, emotions and trust. I invested these precious things in some relationships that ended up being tossed aside.

It’s a good time for reconsidering how you spend your time, emotions and trust. You invested them in your marriage relationship. Now you face the choice of whether or not you’re going to invest more or if its’ time for cutting your losses.

That’s a difficult choice. The cheater made their choice by investing these things into their relationship with their affair partner. They disregarded the promises they made to you.

When they invest in others, it leaves you feeling used and tossed aside. Betrayal is bad enough. When you add unappreciated to betrayal, it becomes an overwhelming burden.

That kind of burden is hard to carry alone. Rather than wear yourself out trying to do it, I encourage you to reach out for help. Your life and love are too precious to allow to turn bitter and fester.

That burden makes it hard to see things clearly, let alone think clearly. You’re doing good getting out of bed in the morning after what happened.

Rather than let the shock define you, reach out for help in making it through this time. This is a time for sharing burdens and allowing help into your life. Give yourself permission to allow others help you.

Did I say you needed to give yourself permission for help? Yes, I did.

Investing your love and affection is a serious matter. I have some time slots that opened up and am available for consultations and online counseling. If you are interested, reach out and email me at Jeff@RestoreTheFamily.com for more details.

Share your story, share your burden and start your healing.

Keeping It Real,


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