Doing Something about the Weather

Have you heard the old saying, “Everyone talks about the weather, but no one does anything about it”? It’s a funny remark from the 19th century that still rings true today, despite the climate change hype. People love to discuss the weather, but no one is willing to take action and change it. In today’s society, the term ‘climate change’ is used, and people take futile steps in trying to change something they have little real control over.


Interestingly, this quote has been attributed to both Mark Twain and Charles Warner, but no one wants to claim ownership of it. Perhaps they don’t want the responsibility or maybe they just prefer to keep it mysterious.


Speaking of topics everyone talks about but does nothing about, let’s talk about affairs. It’s like the elephant in the room that no one wants to address. We all know they happen, but very few people are willing to make serious changes to prevent or recover from them.


I recently had an eye-opening experience at a funeral. When asked what I do for a living, and I mentioned helping couples recover from affairs, there was a mix of acknowledgment and agreement. It struck me how affairs are discussed with the same hushed tones and avoidance as talking about serious diseases like cancer.


We need to change the way we talk about affairs. It’s time to bring them out in the open and have honest conversations. We’re afraid to talk about them because we fear they might happen to us, just like cancer. But avoiding the topic won’t make it go away.


If we truly want to strengthen our marriages and prevent affairs, we need to start taking proactive steps. It’s not enough to sit back and hope for the best. We need to actively work on our relationships and address our spouse’s fears and insecurities. We need to validate and affirm them, showing them that we care and value our marriage.


Every day, our marriage is either getting stronger or weaker. We can’t fool ourselves into thinking everything is fine if our spouse doesn’t feel good about themselves. We have a responsibility to strengthen our own marriages and encourage others to do the same.


Don’t wait until your marriage is in crisis to take action. Start making improvements today. Our “30 Days to A Better Marriage” program is designed to guide you through steps that will strengthen your relationship. Imagine the power and happiness you’ll discover in your marriage by following it for just 30 days.


Let’s change the way we think about affairs and what we do about them. It’s time to take control of our marriages and make them better, starting today.


Keep it real,




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