Doing something extreme over an Affair

The other week, I read a story about a man who kidnapped a woman over allegations of her being unfaithful to him. Kidnapping someone over infidelity is an extreme act.

He held her at gunpoint, took her keys and cell phone. In a few moments, she became his prisoner.

Although it’s extreme, it reflects the intensity of the emotions and thoughts that come with infidelity.Once boundaries start being ignored, the sky is the limit as to what people do.

In the case of kidnapping, the kidnapper views their spouse as a possession. This can happen to husbands or wives.

When you view your spouse as a ‘possession’ or property, the infidelity is an encroachment on what belongs to you. Under those circumstances, when you’re emotionally distraught, you want to regain control of what was yours.

Although I understand how such extreme things happen, it doesn’t make them right.  When under extreme pressures, people do extreme things.

With all the extreme pressures that 2020 has brought, the risk of extreme action is higher as well. The riots, protests, unrest, job uncertainty and pandemic have pushed people into states of desperation.

The man or woman you thought you knew can do things you never thought possible, including doing extreme things.

One reason for this is that marriage and relationships mean more during extreme times. Disrupting or damaging them shatters a source of security. Their island of safety no longer exists.

Movies make it look like couples, like yours, can just talk their way through an affair. In real life, when infidelity happens, especially during times of extreme emotions, you can’t predict the outcome.

Under these extreme times, when your marriage is damaged by an affair, it needs immediate help. The longer you or your spouse waits, the more the pain increases and the desperation grows.

Rather than risk being caught up in some desperate situation, take action now and start repairing the damage, before something worse happens. In my “Affair Recovery Workshop”, you can know what steps to take in turning things around.

You can know how to bring up the subject of the affair, when to talk about it and how to start healing the damage. You can learn ways of rebuilding your marriage and improving the intimacy that was lost.

Click and download your copy today. It could be preventing something extreme from your marriage.

Keeping It Real,




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