Category: Understanding Affairs

A woman with Medusa-like features

Lessons about Affairs from Medusa

Most people have their favorite children’s book. One of my favorite was D’Aulaires’ Greek Myths. The art had a way of drawing me into the many fascinating stories. Although

A creepy looking man in a police officer uniform

The Creeper Threat

On reading news reports of how mature married teachers end up sleeping with their students, you start asking questions. You may wonder “How” something like that could happen. You

A man with a magnifying glass

Addicted to Snooping

Are you a snooper? I’m not talking about occasional or episodic snooping. I’m talking about a serious daily need to snoop on your spouse. Or maybe you’re a snoopee

Image of a seductive looking woman holding a pineapple.

The Cruelty of Exit Affairs

Over the years, I’ve learned the importance of being open to new ways of handling old challenges. One area where this became clear is cutting up pineapples. I like

Shirtless fit man speaking loudly

Cheaters Break the Rules

Cheating by its very nature involves breaking and stretching the rules of a relationship. In some cases the breaking of the rules is obvious. There are times when the

Serious looking man

AP’s fighting for love

In some recent exchanges with an AP (Affair Partner-a.k.a. the Lover), she raised some items needing attention. Although you may not want to even consider the AP’s opinion, thoughts


Friends are Friends

Over the years, I’ve found nuggets of wisdom in many places. One nugget a woman named Donna shared with me was that “Friends are friends and lovers are lovers“.