Do you like lawyers?

Do you like lawyers? This is a key question if you are entertaining the prospect of a divorce, especially if children are involved. When you pursue the divorce option, you can rest assured that lawyers will be a major part of your life for several years. Your money will go to pay them for several years to come. In the long run it is cheaper to pay the counselors than the lawyers, although most people take the lawyer option, gambling that they may strike it rich and force the other side to pay. Much like Vegas, the odds are against you, and the likelihood is that you and your former spouse will both be paying off for many years. The money spent is will subtract from your children and your retirement.

In the aftermath of an affair, one needs to seriously consider the question, “Do you like lawyers?”, because how they answer it with words and actions will have a major influence over the next decade of their lives.

Best Regards,

Jeffrey Murrah

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