Steps toward healing the relationship-Part I

Surviving an affair is not a solo effort. It is best done together with your spouse, especially, if you have reaffirmed your love for each other. There are several steps you can follow to mend your marriage after an affair.


1.                  You need to make sure that the affair is truly over. Infidelity, in itself, means that promises had been broken and trust had been compromised. The only to make sure that you can move on together is for the affair to completely stop!

2.                  Practice Accountability. Accountability means letting your spouse know that you are responsible for your actions. As the injured spouse, you should also evaluate the reasons why the affair occurred and what possible role you might have played in it.

3.                  Identify your goals. You should both understand what is at stake and how you go about in working through your marriage after the affair. If you want reconciliation, then both of you should be working towards that end.

4.                  Start seeing a marriage counselor. It would also help if you seek professional help. A marriage counselor would know the right questions to ask and how to help you achieve your shared goals in your life.


With these steps, you begin the slow but sure process of reconciliation.

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