
In a recent post, I dealt with the danger of stalking that often goes with affairs. With the improvements in technology, the danger of stalking is increased. It is now easier than ever to stalk someone or be stalked.

Anytime you are involved in an affair, there is a danger of being stalked. In the past, stalking was limited to driving by your home or following you around. Some industrious stalkers may find where you work and uncover your phone numbers and patterns of your life.

These days, stalking takes on a new, terrifying dimension with the use of computing power. The new stalking using computer power is often referred to as cyber-stalking. The stalker no longer has to follow you ‘in person’. You can be monitored by means of cameras or following your activities on the internet.

The cyber-stalking may start off with someone merely googling who you are. From there, they advance to checking various data bases and private investigation sites.There are many marketing services that are willing to sell all kinds of information they have collected on you, including many patterns of your behaviors. Many public records are now online. These include legal records, property records, voting lists and marriage records. Anyone interested in finding you, where you live, who you are married to and other information is only limited by their skills and curiosity.

In the event that they are lazy or don’t have the time, they may hire a private investigator. They not only know what information to look for, they know where to find it and how to use it. With the lull in the economy, there are many private investigators who are ready, willing and able to help. Having lived in the Houston area, I am familiar with the episode of the dentist who hunted down her husband. The investigative service involved in the episode were being paid by several players in the whole episode. When a stalker believes they are the only ones using a private investigator, they are often mistaken.

All the parties in an affair web may be using a private investigator.

The threat is not limited to private investigators. There is also a wealth of information available on the internet. Addresses, phone numbers, business location and other information is readily available. With the increasing number of people getting online, there are increasing dangers that go with those people using the internet.

With the spread of cell phones, the power of the internet and all its stalking capabilities are now in a hand-sized format. That means that your stalker can carry on their work from just about any location. The more sophisticated their computer skills are, the more capable they are of finding out and using information.

It’s not just those in the affair web that are stalking. In many nations, the government itself monitors people’s activities, including yours. Although their focus is often on political matters, it could easily shift to your private life and private matters.

No longer do state or national boundaries stop people from stalking. It is now feasible to live in one country and stalk someone across the world on the internet. With this in mind, if you find yourself in the midst of an affair, you will need to be on guard against stalkers. It may be stalking from a former lover, a jealous spouse, an overly possessive lover or someone who is obsessed with you or your spouse.

The stalkers not only seek out those participating in the affair. The resolute spouse may find themselves being smeared by a stalker. There is also the danger of an angry co-worker making false accusations of an affair, just to ruin your reputation. With the use of the internet, falsified letters, pictures and information can be easily posted to create the impression of impropriety.

Best Regards,

Jeffrey Murrah

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